The Amazing Race Recap

By Daron Aldridge, Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

March 12, 2012

You realize we can't just shoot the other contestants, right?

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Well, good folks, your regularly scheduled recap will be conducted by David and Kim in my absence this week.

Three weeks of Amazing Racing behind us and we've lost oblivious sisters, clowns who were in over their rainbow-wigged heads and twins who didn't live up to my expectations. Since we've had an elimination each week, I smell a non-elimination coming up.

Before I turn it over to David and Kim for this week's episode, here are my power rankings.

  • Border Patrol’s Art & JJ: Here is the new team to beat. It is quite possible that Art& JJ will be leaving for the next leg before Vanessa & Ralph finished the previous one. I guess we will find out in the opening minutes of the episode. Back to the praise...they made the highly difficult Stacked Up task look easy, which only heightened the frustration of the others. Two legs in a row with stellar work and they deserve the top spot in the rankings.

  • Team Big Brother Brendon & Rachel: Writing this maybe the most painful thing I have had to do since deal with kidney stones in 1998...Bad Rachel & Brendon actually did very well on the last two legs. I hate that they haven't imploded as a team and I don't believe the previews for a second that they will quit. Do I still hate them? YES! Do they deserve to be ranked this high? Begrudgingly...yes. Now, do I hate myself for admitting this? Absolutely. Apparently, not-so-nice guys finish second.

  • Team Un-Fed Nary & Jamie: While not as dominating as their law enforcement brethren Art & JJ, Nary & Jamie are racing smart and continue to play the innocent school teacher role to come across as non-threatening. Like Border Patrol, Team Un-Fed work effortlessly well together. And that is an important part of succeeding on the Race (unless you're Team Big Brother).

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  • Army of Two Rachel & Dave: While task problems plagued them last week, it just proved they weren't invincible on the race. I refuse to write them off after one bad (mind you, REALLY bad) leg. I need a couple of strong or pathetic showings in a row to convince me to make drastic ranking moves. Because I like them, I hope their last fiasco of a leg was just a one-time stumble and now that it's out of their system, they can get back to the task at hand...beating Team Big Brother.

  • (tie)Bopper & Mark and Joey “Fitness” & Danny: I know, I know...both teams did extremely well on the last leg but that “fish out of water” vibe they gave me earlier is still in the back of my kind. I truly think either one of these teams is one mental or navigational mistake away from elimination.

  • dating divorcees Vanessa & Ralph: I wanted them to be so much better but alas, they have gone out of their way to prove me wrong. I must cheer for them because our divorcees are hated by Big Brother and that is reason enough. But last week's repetitive failure at the Detour can't be overlooked. They snuck by the twins because Ralph conquered that last Roadblock quickly, meaning that there is still some fight in there. That is the main reason I put them ahead of...

  • Kerri & Stacy: Why are they here? Because they haven't done anything special on the race to stand out (good or bad) so I put them in last by default. If they were the same unspectacular team but weren't regularly cooling their heels in the back, then it would be different. But that's not the case. They are my bet for next team eliminated or in last place since I think this will be a non-elimination leg.

All right, I will now hand it over to David and Kim for episode four of the Amazing Race 20. -- Daron Aldridge

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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