Survivor: Nicaragua Recap - Finale Part Two

The Grand Finale

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

December 22, 2010

Is this the face of hidden genius? We report, you decide.

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The conversation at the final Tribal Council with an elimination starts off with some glee. No, 25-year-old “high school students” don’t make awkward attempts to reinvent established hit music. What we mean is that when the jury enters the area, several faces light up at the visual of Fabio draped in an immunity necklace. It’s the fashion-forward accessory of choice for island living. Its presence also means that Sash, Holly and Chase are now forced to turn on one another, making Fabio the people’s choice for the night. Dan and Marty in particular beam with pride at the news of Fabio’s immunity challenge triumph. We already know how Dan feels about the other remaining contestants and Marty will probably spend the rest of his life taking credit for Fabio’s victory if he wins this season.

In order for Fabio to win, he has to vote off Holly. Chase is viewed as wishy-washy and paranoid, presumably because he’s been wishy-washy and paranoid for the month they’ve been on the island. Sash is roughly as popular as known cannibals. Holly is the only remaining player who has garnered the respect of her peers. Even Fabio cannot make this claim, instead having to rely on his genial disposition as he attempts to win the game. If he keeps Holly and eliminates Sash, the next most likely person to go home tonight, Holly will almost certainly beat him in the final vote. Fabio’s problem is that he only gets one of the four votes tonight, meaning that he cannot control what happens next.


The night’s discussion centers upon issues of trust, as is usually the case. Fabio relays the fact that Sash told him he would have made the final vote either way, yet Chase told him exactly the opposite. This means that Chase is more honest than Sash; also, water is wet. This does lead to a humorous exchange wherein Sash is pressed by Probst. Our host asks the man about his intentions for the night’s vote and Sash hems and haws in a way that must make Chase proud. He emphatically answers “Probably.” This is our problem with Sash encapsulated in one awful lie. He’s someone who thinks he can manipulate people, someone who desperately wants to be perceived as a puppet master. In reality, he is terrible at lying. He stutters any time he’s trying to come up with a lie. The ones he does come up with are frequently this silly, this transparent.

Sash is a person who wants to be wicked but doesn’t seem to have the chops for it. If he does survive this vote and make it to the final, he won’t get a single vote, which is exactly why it would be madness to vote him out. Sash has played himself out of contention on Survivor, all the while claiming to be the game’s power player. He’s eerily similar to Evil Loser Russell in terms of overall game play with the primary difference being that Russell is at least psychotic. Sash is Russell without the danger. He also played what was in hindsight a very stupid game down the stretch. He had the option to join a four person alliance with Dan, Benry and Fabio or Holly, Jane and Chase. Given the apathy shown by Dan throughout the competition and the dismissive attitude toward Benry, Sash would have been the second most popular member of that group. He was the least popular member of the Holly, Jane and Chase alliance the moment he joined. We questioned the move at the time and it looks completely absurd in hindsight. Sash played as if he didn’t want to win Survivor, which is the one criticism we could never make of Russell.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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