2012 Calvin Awards: Intro

February 13, 2012


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Some years are chock full of wonderful projects, all of whom deserve serious consideration for major awards. Others are top heavy as a few titles separate themselves from the pack due to the rarity of their entertainment quality. Last year’s vote for The Calvins was a tightly contested battle among a series of favorites, each of them having passionate champions. This year sees a few titles dominate all of the categories with one becoming the single most triumphant performer in the 11 year history of The Calvins.

As has proven to be the case in recent years, the most hotly contested battle is in Best TV Show, which shows where the staff’s true passion for entertainment exists these days. We also have a razor thin vote between man and simian for Best Character, a similarly heated competition between titular lead characters in Breakthrough Performance, an extreme time burglar for Best Videogame and folk rock favorites for Best Album.

Our selection for Worst Performance of the year boils down to an unprecedented competition between two movie roles from the same actor. Twice before, we have had the same movie garner the top two spots in Worst Performance (damn you, The Happening and Catwoman!) and we have had a repeat winner in the category (we should rename this award the Megan Fox or maybe the Too Fox-y), but never before has the same person delivered the worst two performances of the year. It’s almost impossible to imagine yet the vote is resounding.

This is year where there wasn’t any frontrunner for the Academy Awards until late in the race, but BOP’s staff had no problem identifying the best of the best in all of the major categories. Almost all of those votes are blowouts with this being a good year to have a The in the title of a film. Some of our results were surprising even to the staff at BOP as a couple of the titles lauded most often on the ballots had their share of detractors as well. The volatility of these subjects perhaps crystallized the opinions of the voters. In the end, we have settled upon a strong and worthy list of 18 champions, all of whom shall be revealed over the next five days.

As always, BOP proudly presents our favorite update of the year, The Calvins…

The Calvins: An Introduction
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Album
Best Cast
Best Character
Best Director
Best Overlooked Film
Best Picture
Best Scene
Best Screenplay
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best TV Show
Best Use of Music
Best Videogame
Breakthrough Performance
Worst Performance
Worst Picture

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