Survivor: Tocantins Recap

They Both Went Bananas

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

May 1, 2009

Dudes. Why did you vote her off? Dudes.

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Survivor fans, watch for our quiz, How Well Do You Know: Survivor: Tocantins, to be published the morning after the series finale!

Previously on Survivor, Coach and Tyson refused to walk into the end zone as if they had been there before. The two men had convinced themselves that the other player in the game who could beat them would be Brendan. Once the "dragon" had been "slain", they were certain of victory. It's pretty easy to tell that Coach and Tyson have never watched this show before. After an entire episode of gloating about the prior vote and taunting Sierra about being the next one to go, the game's real power players, JT and Stephen, sandbagged Tyson. Why do bad things happen to miserable bastards?

The suspense in tonight's episode involves Coach, Sierra and Debbie. These are the three players who currently exist outside an alliance. Well, Sierra is technically in a super-secret alliance, but loyalty in that group is lacking. Brendan barely even talked to Taj and Stephen, JT only stumbled in by accident and pretty much everyone treats Sierra as if she is something to be scraped off of their shoes. Last season, we had a particular fondness for Sugar, one of the nicest, most engaging players in recent memory. Afterward, all of her opponents stated that she had been incredibly annoying with her constant crying jags. It's entirely possible the same is true of Sierra, but we reiterate that she is pound-for-pound one of the fiercest competitors this season. She deserves much more respect from her peers than she has received thus far.


Night 27 at Forza sees several differing emotions. Sierra is giddy about the fact that she somehow survived thanks to a last minute call from the governor. JT and Stephen, fearing a crazed reaction from Coach, explain to Deb and him that they did not want the duo to feel guilty about Tyson's elimination. What they claim is that by doing it behind the backs of those players, they have been absolved of blame. Coach and Deb assure them that this was incredibly thoughtful of them and they appreciate such consideration from their teammates. What JT and Stephen are really saying is, "You're next, bitches." What Coach and Deb are really thinking is, "We're the bitches who are next."

Deb, who hasn't been much of a presence thus far this season, takes this opportunity to state terms to her "allies". When JT and Stephen assure her that they have no intention of voting her off and plan to take her to the final four, she claims to believe them. This is like telling Coach you believe every word out of his mouth. Speak of the lying devil, Deb takes this opportunity to vent to her only remaining teammate. When Coach is all you've got, the applicable zen philosophy is that you are full of emptiness. Even so, Deb proceeds to recount to Coach the status of several players in the game. To her mind, Sierra and Erinn are the next to go and "I am not going to be going out fifth". She plots to pull together all of the Timbira members, meaning she wants to work a deal with the two women they have shunned since day one. Good luck with that.

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