Monday, August 31
Review: No Escape
Few films in recent memory defy conventional moviemaking logic with the bewildering obliviousness of No Escape.

Over There
Because we live in a crazy world where nothing ever makes sense, Terminator Genisys is the number one film in the world.

Sunday, August 30
Weekend Wrap-Up
A lackluster weekend at the box office finished with no changes at the top, but a three-time champion isn’t the story this weekend.

Saturday, August 29
Marquee History
This week's highlights are… pretty dismal due to this week falling on the dumping ground of the four-day Labor Day weekend. So, happy 30th, American Ninja.

Friday Box Office Analysis
Faith-based release War Room manages to knock off Straight Outta Compton on Friday with $3.9 million on Friday to Straight Outta Compton’s $3.8 million.

Friday, August 28
This is So Last Week: 8/21/15-8/27/15
Auspicious television beginnings and endings, a stealth engagement, a musical breakup and hopes for a musical reunion. Wake the neighbors and cal the kids, here's our pop culture recap quiz for the 35th week of 2015.

Thursday, August 27
How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E08: Let the Games Begin
Rory and Lorelai visit Yale with Richard and Emily, but Richard has an ulterior motive that doesn't sit well with the Gilmore ladies. Meanwhile, Luke find his parental mode kicking in after he discovers that Jess and Rory are now dating. How well do you know Gilmore Girls, S03E08: Let the Games Begin?

Thursday, August 27
Top Five Tom Cruise Movies
The rules for this one are simple - if Tom Cruise is in the movie then it’s eligible.

Weekend Forecast
It's the “nobody's watching, throw out whatever” weekend, as we reach the end of summer.

Wednesday, August 26
How Well Do You Know: Home
The Boov have come to Earth, but they are not as welcome as they are led to believe. An Earthling girl survives Mandatory Relocation to eventually befriend a Boov named Oh. You may be wanting to come into the out now, but how well do you know the 2015 movie Home?

Wednesday, August 26
Comics Weekly
It's that time again.

Review: Diary of a Teenage Girl
Will you enjoy The Diary of a Teenage Girl?

Tuesday, August 25
How Well Do You Know: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 8
Another season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia means the Paddy's Pub gang are up to their usual despicable, morally corrupt antics. In Season 8, we see Dee and Charlie finally finding love (or maybe not), Dennis learning about the dangers of eating cereal and driving, and the gang becoming addicted to online gaming. Then there's the Ponderosa wedding... How well do you know Season 8 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Tuesday, August 25
Viking Night: The Outsiders
Pretend like it’s 1982. Or if you weren’t around back then, allow me to paint you a picture: Ronald Reagan was president. Gas was $1.20 a gallon.

Monday Morning Quarterback
Some movies opened this weekend, but you'd be forgiven if you don't know what any of them were.

Movie Review: American Ultra
Writing negative reviews for low-budget August releases from quasi-independent studios is something I don’t like to do.

Monday, August 24
Overpaid Jerks: 8/17/15-8/23/15
Torn ACLs, a college coach's apology, the top of the AP poll and a Make-a-Wish master. Here's your whirlwind recap of the last week in sports, presented in a pleasing quiz format.

Monday, August 24
Review: American Ultra
The plot of American Ultra is so close to that of The Bourne Identity that I’m almost convinced the film was intended as a slightly-askew parody.

Over There
This week in "wait, what?" news, we have a new film at number one which is actually an old film.

Sunday, August 23
Weekend Wrap-Up
Across North America, many children are back in school. As the educational years grow longer, late August box office diminishes that much more.

Saturday, August 22
Friday Box Office Analysis
The summer movie season ends with a thud as the best of a lousy slate of releases is Sinister 2 in second place on Friday with $4.6 million.

Friday, August 21
This is So Last Week: 8/14/15-8/20/15
Celebrity break-ups and engagements, a naked actress with a hard truth, a Disney coincidence and a supermodel devalued. Here's another heaping helping of entertainment trivia in our pop culture quiz for the 34th week of 2015.

Friday, August 21
Weekend Forecast
No new film is expected to break above the $20 million mark – maybe not even $15 million – and the prospects for quality are even worse.

Marquee History
This week's highlights are the 15th anniversary of Bring It On and the 30th anniversary of Better Off Dead.

Thursday, August 20
How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E07: They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
It's time for Stars Hollow's annual 24-hour dance marathon, a competition not for the faint of heart - or feet. Lorelai is set on winning after coming in second place the previous year, while her reluctant dance partner Rory is distracted, dealing with relationship drama. How well do you know Gilmore Girls, S03E07: They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?

Thursday, August 20
Review: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
There seems to have been no motivating factor behind a big-screen Man from U.N.C.L.E. beyond a massive, industry-wide, “Eh, why not.”

Review: Straight Outta Compton
To the media, they were mostly notable for the growth of “gangsta rap”, and for perpetuating a lifestyle glorifying violence and objectifying women.

Wednesday, August 19
How Well Do You Know: Overboard
Spoiled heiress Joanna Stayton (Goldie Hawn) and her husband are living the life of luxury aboard their yacht. While stuck in Elk Snout, Oregon, Joanna meets carpenter Dean Proffitt (Kurt Russell) when he's put to work on the docked vessel. Shortly after refusing to pay Dean for his handiwork, Joanna falls off the boat and wakes up with amnesia. Dean figures out a way to get his money back, and brings home "Annie", his wife and mother of his four unruly boys. It's only a matter of time before his plan backfires. How well do you know Overboard, the last movie to star the off-screen couple of Hawn and Russell?

Wednesday, August 19
Comics Weekly
Wouldn't you like a lovely comic?

Tuesday, August 18
How Well Do You Know: Leap of Faith
Are you ready for a miracle? Steve Martin jumps off the screen as a traveling evangelist. Jonas Nightengale is a faith healer, who can't wait to save your soul and empty your wallet. You may feel a healing coming on, but how well do you know Leap of Faith?

Tuesday, August 18
Viking Night
I thought Wayne's World was freaking hilarious, to the point that I had a tee shirt, knew most of the dialogue, and could do a fairly good impression of Garth.

Over There
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation gets to reign supreme for a little while longer.

Monday Morning Quarterback
It was yet another big weekend for Universal, as their Straight Outta Compton debuted to exceptional box office.

Monday, August 17
Overpaid Jerks: 8/10/15-8/16/15
A blistering PGA, a mock-worthy NFL team, an MLB first and Seattle ups and downs. Impress your friends and neighbors by acing our sports trivia quiz for the 34th week of 2015.

Monday, August 17
Review: Straight Outta Compton
Straight Outta Compton is such a massive and sweeping project that it must be regarded from several angles.

Review: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
It’s quick, sharp, the cast has chemistry, it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it manages to come in at just under two hours.

Sunday, August 16
Weekend Wrap-Up
Another weekend, another big win for Universal. I don’t remember a summer for a studio like this is in the 14 years I’ve been writing this piece.

Saturday, August 15
Friday Box Office Analysis
Straight Outta Compton kicked off the weekend in dominant fashion as its box office for Friday was $24.2 million...

Friday, August 14
This is So Last Week: 8/7/15-8/13/15
This week we had a canceled tour, pot and classic lit, a birthday, a sheep and a highly paid actor. Here's your pop culture trivia quiz for the 33rd week of 2015.

Friday, August 14
Weekend Forecast
The dog days of August see fit to grant us one more box office hit before we get into the drudgery of early fall releases.

Marquee History
This week's highlights are the 20th anniversary of The Usual Suspects and the 30th anniversary of Return of the Living Dead.

Thursday, August 13
How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E06: Take the Deviled Eggs...
Rory and Lorelai wind up attending Sherry's baby shower, which causes a variety of emotions Lorelai may not have been expecting. Meanwhile, the Stars Hollow townspeople are excited about news of a planned protest in town, and Luke tries snooping to find out information about Jess. How well do you know Gilmore Girls, S03E06: Take the Deviled Eggs?

Thursday, August 13
Monday Morning Quarterback
Well, Fantastic Four arrived in theaters, and it sure was... something.

Movie Review: Fantastic Four
For a good hour or so into Fantastic Four, I was honestly wondering how the movie was pulling such an absurdly low critical reaction.

Review: Ricki and the Flash
Meryl Streep is genuinely striking in Ricki and the Flash.

Wednesday, August 12
How Well Do You Know: A Knight's Tale
A common young man seizes opportunity to rise through the ranks of medieval jousting in A Knight's Tale. Heath Ledger headlines in one of his more memorable performances. You may think you can change your stars by doing well on this quiz, but how well do you know A Knight's Tale?

Wednesday, August 12
Comics Weekly
Attention nerds! It's new comic day!

Movie Review: The Gift
The Gift could have just as easily been titled, The Gifts, because the movie’s designated villain bestows more than one upon a yuppie couple...

Review: Shaun the Sheep
The last thing I expected to be doing at the end of the 2015 movie-going summer was comparing a stop-motion Aardman film to Mad Max: Fury Road.

Tuesday, August 11
How Well Do You Know: The Holiday
Iris (Kate Winslet) and Amanda (Cameron Diaz) are smart, successful women on two different continents who are both dealing with heartbreak. Through a house-swapping site, they impulsively decide to spend the Christmas holiday season living in the other's house. The few weeks out of their comfort zones leads to epiphanies, new friendships - and to love. How well do you know The Holiday?

Tuesday, August 11
Movie Review: The Gift
I don’t think it’s at all coincidental, or inappropriate, that The Gift’s first and final shots principally involve characters separated by windows.

Review: Fantastic Four
It’s tough to understand why Fantastic Four, the latest comic adaptation from Marvel was even released.

Viking Night: Hot Fuzz
Simon Pegg clearly grew up on the same savory pop culture junk food diet that I did, being obsessed as I am with all things science, fantasy and violence-fiction.

Monday, August 10
Overpaid Jerks: 8/3/15-8/9/15
A swimming superstar, an idiot linebacker, an animal on the field and a Hall of Fame. Lace 'em up, line 'em up, touch 'em's your sports recap quiz for the 33rd week of 2015.

Monday, August 10
Review: The Gift
If you didn’t know that The Gift was the vision of a single creator going in, the closing credits clear it up pretty quickly.

Movie Review: M:I5
Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation is exceptionally good at what it’s supposed to do, which is to thrill the audience and instill in us a sense of awe...

Trailer Hitch
We look at Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Good Dinosaur and Spectre.

Book vs. Movie
In Book vs. Movie, we look at novels of any genre and compare them to their feature-film adaptation.

Sunday, August 9
Weekend Wrap-Up
We have a new term at the box office for when a big budget movie flops after the director distances himself from the product the night BEFORE it opens.

Marquee History
Prepare to become nostalgic (and shocked) at how much time has passed when you recall what was new in theaters 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years ago.

Saturday, August 8
Friday Box Office Analysis
Fantastic Four was released Friday to lavish critical praise and ecstatic word-of-mouth… in an alternate universe.

Friday, August 7
This is So Last Week: 7/31/15-8/6/15
The Daily Show's goodbye, confirmed and rumored divorces, a stealth wedding and a new animated movie. Here's our pop culture recap quiz for the 32nd week of 2015.

Friday, August 7
This Month, Watch This
This month I am going to attempt to compare the new releases for the entire month of August and rank them in the order you should watch them.

Weekend Forecast
If at first you don't succeed, fail and fail again. That appears to be the strategy for this weekend's top new film...

Thursday, August 6
How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E05: Eight O'Clock at the Oasis
Lorelai and Rory wind up doing household upkeep for a new neighbor after he immediately takes them up on their polite offer to "let us know if there's anything we can do". Lorelai meets a man at an event, but as it turns out, he has more of a connection to Emily than Lorelai would like. How well do you know Gilmore Girls, S03E05: Eight O'Clock at the Oasis?

Thursday, August 6
Movie Review: Dark Places
This was a project in dire need of a cinematic vision, or at the very least a stable and uncompromising directorial hand.

We discuss Tom Cruise as movie star and also... sigh... Vacation.

By my count, Meryl Streep has received screen credit for approximately 55 movies, and now sits at a record-setting 19 Oscar nominations.

Wednesday, August 5
Comics Weekly
Hey, everybody! It's comic book time!

August 2015 Forecast
2015 is shaping up to have one of those lazier Augusts, where a pair of movies open strong in the first weekend or two...

Oscar Watch
Birdman, Boyhood, Whiplash, The Grand Budapest Hotel... how long ago it seems that those words were endlessly swirling in our brains...

Tuesday, August 4
How Well Do You Know: Descendants
Disney villains, along with their restless offspring, have been banished to the Isle of the Lost. The 2015 summer movie Descendants asks what happens when the kids are brought to live in mainstream society. You may know the secret ingredient for a love potion, but how well do you know Disney's Descendants?

Tuesday, August 4
Viking Night: They Live
In honor of the recently departed Roddy Piper, I felt it fitting to devote this week’s column to his smack talking, be-kilted memory.

Review: Mission: Impossible 5
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation is a gloriously silly action movie, ceaselessly kinetic, populated by game actors.

Monday Morning Quarterback
Tom Cruise returned to theaters, and people actually decided to go see his film.

Monday, August 3
Overpaid Jerks: 7/27/15-8/2/15
Baseball trades come fast and furious, Ronda makes it look easy once again and Olympics are awarded and rejected. Let's test your knowledge of the wide world of sports for the 32nd week of 2015.

Monday, August 3
Movie Review: Southpaw
It’s an ironic convention of Hollywood boxing movies that they’re so little about boxing.

Movie Review: Vacation
Forget, for a moment, the critical drubbing New Line’s sequel/remake/reboot of National Lampoon’s Vacation has already taken...

The 400-Word Review
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, the title of which has at least one entirely unnecessary punctuation mark, is a movie movie.

Sunday, August 2
Weekend Wrap-Up
Two films debuted this weekend, and the reverse of the norm actually happened at the box office, as the good film triumphed and the bad film was handed its hat.

Saturday, August 1
Friday Box Office Analysis
It’s a strong $20.4 million opening day for the fifth entry in the Mission: Impossible franchise, which is on its way to a very easy weekend victory.



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