The Amazing Race 27 Episode 10 Recap

Bring the Fun, Baby!

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

November 30, 2015

Dysfunction, thy name is...

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Previously on The Amazing Race, #TeamTexas learned that obsession is a terrible strategy. Their downfall truly began several legs ago when they botched the Express Pass by using it too soon and then encouraging their allies, #TheCheerleaders, to U-Turn Justin & Diana. From that point on, #TheGreenTeam’s ascension began, while Tanner & Josh saw their fortunes come crashing down around them. We’d like to think that other teams would learn from their mistake, but instead…

#ThePaparazzi have taken over the job. Logan & Chris are pretty obnoxious in their own right, but they tried to stir things up with Justin & Diana by accusing Tiffany & Krista of U-Turning them earlier in the Race. Even though this is completely true, the only reason they brought it up was to cause strife between other teams. Justin & Diana weren’t buying it, and even worse, they got annoyed enough with Logan & Chris that they’d probably help any other team over them.

Teams are all now in Agra, India, where the leg begins with a jubilant Justin & Diana setting off in first place. They will start off by traveling via Tuk-Tuk to Kachora Bazaar, which is where they’ll find their next clue. They’re also told to get ready for a U-Turn, which is a shocker as The Amazing Race has never featured three U-Turns before. It makes the two of them smile, probably because they know they can mete out a bit of punishment to #ThePaparazzi.

Kelsey & Joey, who are leaving about 15 minutes behind them, continue to express frustration over the fact that they just can’t beat Justin & Diana. The difference between them and the obsessives is that they worry more about their own race and trying to find ways to position themselves to win. You can’t control #TheGreenTeam’s destiny – only your own.


Adding onto Logan & Chris’s impending misery is the fact that Chris is sick. He’s been throwing up and miserable, which means that he’s even less pleasant than usual. Hard to imagine, we know.

At the bazaar, the clue indicates that it’s time for a Roadblock called “Full of Hot Air.” The designated contestant from each team must blow up balloons and use them to fill a giant net. They’ll then have to attach them to the back of a bike and pedal to a wedding party planner, where they’ll deliver them. Once this task is complete, teams will receive their next clue.

Justin takes the task for #TheGreenTeam, and although he pops a few of them, it doesn’t seem like a challenging task for him. He keeps a positive attitude throughout the assignment, and plays to the crowd that has gathered to watch him. It seems that people think the Racers might be movie stars or something, because big groups are gathering wherever they all go.

By the time Kelsey & Joey and Logan & Chris arrive, Justin is nearing the end of the task. He’s even giving some extra balloons to kids. Justin has a conversation with Joey about the U-Turn, saying that they want to keep #TheReporters in the Race and help them as much as possible. It’s agreed that Logan & Chris will be the target for the U-Turn.

Continued:       1       2       3



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