The Amazing Race 13, Episode 8

I'm Like an Angry Cow

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

November 16, 2008

They are literally never this happy.

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Previously on the Amazing Race, everyone got doused in paint. They were all incensed and humiliated. It was awesome!

The order of finish last week pretty much reflects the way we grade the quality of the competitors. We might be underselling Ken & Tina a little bit, but they seem inconsistent. Nick & Starr are definitely the class of the competition this season, with Toni & Dallas being the best parent/sibling competitors in recent memory (if not ever). Terence & Sarah remind us a lot of Adam & Rebecca from season six. On the rare occasions when they're not squabbling, they're an effective tandem. Their problem is that the most innocuous things can set them off into a knock-down, drag-out brawl, which usually leads to 30+ recitations of the word "baby". Ken & Tina are a team that has been previously described as this season's Jonathan & Victoria. It's not quite that bad because there doesn't appear to be any physical violence, but they really are bad for each other. And finally, Team Superbad, the most accurately named duo ever, are the Inspector Clouseaus of the competition, bound and determined to prove once and for all that it's better to be lucky than good.

We're back in Delhi, India once again, and to start off this leg of the race, Nick & Starr are instructed to fly to Almaty, Kazakhstan. We can only hope they'll meet Borat Sagdiyev while visiting. He promises to make sexy time with all of the contestants. Once in Almaty, they must venture to a chicken factory, where their next clue is hidden. What is it with birds and Amazing Race this season? Is KFC a sponsor?


Toni & Dallas are a slight ten minutes behind the leaders. Toni makes the astute evaluation that other teams do not view them as threats and that they've been flying under the radar so far. It doesn't hurt that Dallas and Starr have a little flirtation going on, because even though Nick is a big fan of misleading other teams, she has trouble finding it in her heart to screw over the boy she likes. Their two teams hang out together as they book tickets, and seem to realize that at this point in the race, a semi-alliance isn't a bad strategy. This means that Terence & Sarah will be the odd team out, since Ken & Tina are seeming to be inclined to offer their assistance to Dan & Andrew.

Speaking of Terence & Sarah, they're a half hour behind the first place team, and Sarah says she's thrilled to be going to Kazakhstan. The moment they get into their cab, Terence starts whining about how he has too much stuff and he needs to get rid of some stuff and the fact that his stuff doesn't seem to be leaving on its own. And stuff. Sarah warningly tells him, "I'm in a really good mood," even though her face says, "Terence, I will kill you in your sleep if you don't shut up immediately."

Continued:       1       2       3



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