Over Her Dead Body

Release Date: February 1, 2008

Movie of the Day for Monday, December 10, 2007
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She's watching you.

On the Big Board
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180/196 Max Braden Lake Bell and Paul Rudd come out not too badly, but this is proof that Eva Longoria (and Jason Biggs) should stick to tv.

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Eva Longoria has found success on Desperate Housewives as the scheming but likeable Gabrielle, though that hasn't particularly translated over to big openings in movies. Even though she was assuredly not the primary draw in The Heartbreak Kid, it failed to capture its expected audience. She was, on the other hand, marketed pretty heavily in The Sentinel, a movie that did okay but was nothing memorable.

Now Longoria will topline a project in Over Her Dead Body, which has a terrific supporting cast but will really rely on her to draw an audience. It will assuredly fall into the chick flick category as it aims to capture audience that might be headed out to theaters for Valentine's Day dates.

Longoria plays a woman who is tragically killed in an accident on the day she is to be married. Her fiance (the always charming Paul Rudd) decides that he will consult a psychic (Lake Bell) to see what he can learn about his lover's passing. Soon, he is falling for the psychic, but he has an added element of challenge as the ghost of his fiancee begins to haunt him, determined that none shall love him if she can't have him.

It all sounds a bit madcap, but the hope would be that the presence of Rudd and American Pie star Jason Biggs might make things bearable. Chances are that it's going to be chalked up as another so-so performer for New Line. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Over Her Dead Body
Main Cast Eva Longoria, Paul Rudd, Lake Bell
Supporting Cast Lindsay Sloane, Jason Biggs
Director Jeff Lowell
Screenwriter Jeff Lowell
Distributor New Line Cinema
Trailer http://www.overherdeadbodymovie.com/
Official Site http://www.overherdeadbodymovie.com/
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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