The Wicker Man

Release Date: September 1, 2006

Movie of the Day for Thursday, August 31, 2006
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On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
149/159 David Mumpower This might be Nicholas Cage's worst movie ever, which is really saying something.
200/200 Max Braden Painfully bad to watch initially, in memory it becomes so bad it's funny.

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This remake of a 1973 British horror film will star Nicolas Cage as a sheriff investigating the disappearance of a young girl on a small island. His investigation reveals that the island’s inhabitants practice a rather unusual pagan religion of sorts that is devoted to the “old gods”, and that its tenets involve wanton sexual behavior and other unusual rituals. As the sheriff delves deeper into the island’s mysteries, he begins to uncover a darker secret, one that may mean mortal danger not only for the missing girl, but for himself as well.

The Wicker Man is an interesting choice for a remake, as the original is one of the breed of slow-paced horror films that were popular in ‘70s Britain. Not a lot of action in the horror genre respect; in fact, not a lot of action at all. Still, the story does offer possibilities in terms of creating a more terrifying, not to mention more explicitly sensual, movie. Nic Cage is also a benefit here, as he is the type of actor who is something of the perfect framework from which a story can be hung; his somewhat laconic style can fit into action/adventure, comedy - romantic and otherwise - and straight drama. And this being a film that is more focused on the rituals and secrets of the island inhabitants, having a lead that can hold his own acting-wise yet doesn’t have a persona that might overwhelm the story is a good fit. (Stephanie Star Smith/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Wicker Man
Main Cast Nicolas Cage, Leelee Sobieski, Ellen Burstyn
Supporting Cast Molly Parker, Frances Conroy
Director Neil LaBute
Screenwriter Neil LaBute
Distributor Warner Bros.
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Screen Count 2,784
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for The Wicker Man
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
Village, The 7/30/0450.75 50.75 3730 13604.86 13604.9 114.20 114.20 0.00
Sleepy Hollow 11/19/9930.06 35.82 3062 9817.00 11208.4 101.07 120.44 3.36
Se7en 9/22/9513.95 19.33 2441 5715.00 7620.0 100.12 138.78 7.18
Scream 12/20/966.35 8.66 1413 4494.00 5897.1 103.03 140.56 16.23



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