Art School Confidential

Release Date: May 5, 2006
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Limited release

Movie of the Day for Wednesday, May 4, 2005
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61/159 David Mumpower Successfully subverts expectations at multiple points and offers very solid performances for a movie of this ilk.

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In July of 2001, graphic novelist Daniel Clowes proved that his quirky brand of eccentric, character-driven dramedy could translate well to the big screen. His adapted novel, Ghost World, received tremendous critical acclaim for its portrayal of two socially maladjusted teen girls and the middle-aged misanthrope who teaches them his unique world view.

The director of Ghost World, Terry Zwigoff, is now ready to bring another graphic novel of Clowe's to indie theaters across the country. The book, Art School Confidential, is a funny take on the myth of celebrity.

Jerome (Max Minghella) failed in his dream to become an artist. Frustrated by this fact, he joins the police academy in order to make something of himself. When a case involving painters requires some undercover work, Jerome signs up.

While at art school, a series of unlikely events heightens his awareness as an artist. Eventually, Jerome even begins to pose as the perpetrator in order to increase his mystique. This causes him to get arrested for a murder he didn't commit. He is left with the choice of either confessing his true identity or accepting the sentence in exchange for even more celebrity. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for Art School Confidential
Main Cast John Malkovich, Max Minghella, Anjelica Huston
Supporting Cast Steve Buscemi, Ethan Suplee
Director Terry Zwigoff
Screenwriter Daniel Clowes
Distributor United Artists
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating R
Running Time 102 minutes
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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