The Amazing Race 24: All-Stars

The Amazing Race 24: All-Stars

By Daron Aldridge

February 25, 2014

The face of evil has duplicated itself.

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Brendon & Rachel have accomplished two things this leg. 1) They are checked in as team number two; and 2) They have shockingly not annoyed me this leg…other than Rachel’s screaming “That’s my husband” during the Roadblock.

With the glee of a child dreaming of Christmas morning, Connor does the Roadblock and probably would’ve kept flipping if they let him. For guys with not the best of luck, it seems kind of careless to suspend them 300 feet in the air, just asking for disaster. The father and son are checked in as team number three.

With the sheer terror of a child dreaming of a Christmas morning with Freddy Krueger, Margie nearly wets her unitard as she performs the Roadblock. Heights are not good for this mom and I don’t think that she really meant it when she proclaimed “It was great,” as she clutched the railing after finishing. The team I pegged to go home first is actually team number four.

As the cousins are leaving the slow ride, some of the other teams are taking it easy as they wait for their bubble to come to a full and complete stop to exit. The teams with a clue in their car are Team Bonehead John & Jessica, New Kentucky and the Globetrotters, who have been rather subdued or at least it’s been edited that way. That may be because the twins have been supplying enough fireworks and such for all the other ten teams combined. Team Youtube is not so lucky. They are faced with another ride but at least are paying attention to numbers on the cars that teams successfully getting the clue.


Speaking of the twins and singers have finally found the bridal shop clue and are en route to the tower.

Trying to match Connor’s enthusiasm and successfully doing it is Leo. With the Roadblock behind them, the cousins are at Phil in fifth place.

While they wait, Mallory is given too much time to think and immediately begins second guessing that the very obvious stadium below may not be the one mentioned in the clue. Mark admits that it is frustrating but knows that it’s just a matter of them having to learn to trust one another.

The trailing teams of Natalie & Nadiya and Jennifer & Caroline are now at the tower and jump on board. One of the sisters (honestly, I couldn’t keep track with all the yelling) wonders out loud if they have to get into a certain bubble and the other counters that they all probably have one. Guess who doesn’t pick an even car? That’s right…Team Shrill Lanka. And the doubting sister immediately places the blame on the other. Mind you that this is all taking place in a glass bubble that the other teams can see the explosive argument as it occurs. They are watching the bubble burst (sorry) on the twins’ chances of making it to the next leg. First flight and an hour lead to last place is not the best way to start the Amazing Race but it is a surefire end to your Race life.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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