
Release Date: April 30, 2004

DeNiro vows to give up the booze after he realizes he agree to star in a cheap Pet Sematary rip-off.

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Position Staff In Brief
73/92 David Mumpower Gee, God, I appreciate the thought but...

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Born: December 11, 1987
Died: December 12, 1995
Born: September 26, 1996

This kind of gets you in the right mood for this film, don’t you think? You can tell this isn’t going to be your typical happy family movie at all. Director Nick Hamm and Writer Mark Bomback bring us this tale of a science experiment gone terribly awry.

Greg Kinnear and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos play a couple whose son was tragically killed on his eighth birthday. They loved their son so much and are willing to do anything to bring him back. Enter probably mad scientist (Given the prevalence of "mad" scientists in films and literature, it strikes us that the scientific community needs to either beef up its mental health programs or get a better PR rep) Dr. Richard Wells (Robert DeNiro). Dr. Wells is on the cutting edge of genetic research and tells the Duncans (Kinnear and Romijn-Stamos) that he can help with their situation. He has been working on cloning techniques and can bring back their son Adam (Cameron Bright).

The experimental procedure works and, under Dr. Wells’s watchful eye, Adam grows to become a happy child. That is, until his eighth birthday. The cloned Adam begins to have night terrors and flashbacks once he outlives his original model. New and Improved Adam is also developing an evil personality that’s scaring his parents a bit.

If this sounds familiar to you, it should. Godsend is a DNA-and-humans update of Stephen King's Pet Sematary concept. Something good and pure dies too soon, so an attempt is made to bring back the now dead person. Whenever humans try to play God, the attempts always lead to tragedy and terror. Godsend looks to be no exception to this rule. (Marty Doskins and David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for Godsend
Main Cast Robert De Niro, Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Supporting Cast Cameron Bright, Marcia Bennett
Director Nick Hamm
Screenwriter Mark Bomback
Distributor Lions Gate
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site http://www.godsendthemovie.com
Rating PG-13
Screen Count 2,323
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for Godsend
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
A.I. Artificial Intelligence 6/29/0129.35 31.32 3242 9054.00 9294.4 78.56 83.84 2.68
Sixth Sense, The 8/6/9926.68 31.79 2161 12346.00 14095.8 293.50 349.76 11.00
Ring, The 10/18/0215.02 15.61 1981 7580.00 7580.0 128.90 134.01 8.58
6th Day, The 11/17/0013.02 14.56 2516 5175.00 5568.6 34.54 38.63 2.65
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 11/4/9411.21 16.56 2177 5149.00 7319.7 22.01 32.52 1.96
Flatliners 8/10/9010.03 14.33 1319 7604.00 10451.0 61.31 87.60 6.11



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