This Film Is Not Yet Rated

Release Date: September 1, 2006
Limited release

How many times am I allowed to say fuck?

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
19/68 Michael Bentley An eye-opening account of the censorship, hypocrisy, and secrecy of the MPAA ratings board.
57/159 David Mumpower If you don't hate the business practices of the MPAA after watching this movie, you must work for them.

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There aren't many groups more secretive that the MPAA ratings board, and while it's true that no technical censorship is involved their decisions can ultimately be a large factor in a finished film or to what extent certain films may be seen. The only real requirement to be a member is that you be a parent and identities of its members of are kept secret to keep them insulated from possible studio tampering. Of course it's that secrecy that can also be frustrating to filmmakers who have to deal with the board during a rating controversy.

Kirby Dick attempts to take a look at this nebulous process in his latest documentary. He speaks to filmmakers who have had to deal with ratings flaps such as John Waters, Kimberly Peirce, Kevin Smith, and Matt Stone about their experiences, and he also hires a private investigator to try to find the indentity of the board members. Even if the film isn't able to really crack the MPAA and get to some real insight, it's certainly likely to be entertaining in the effort. (Dan Krovich/BOP)

Vital statistics for This Film Is Not Yet Rated
Director Kirby Dick
Distributor Independent Film Channel
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Rating Unrated
Screen Count 2
Awards Awards page for This Film Is Not Yet Rated
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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