Catch a Fire

Release Date: October 27, 2006
Hot Stuff

Now, first I'm going to fold this paper into a triangle.

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South Africa struggled under the grip of apartheid for many years. This film's story is about a man who tried to single-handedly change all that. It is based on the real-life story of Patrick Chamusso, played by Derek Luke, an ordinary man changed by extraordinary circumstances.

Chamusso lived in South Africa in the 1980s when apartheid was in full swing. However, he wanted no part of the politics of the day so he tried to mind his own business by working at an oil refinery and being a family man. One day that all changed when he and his wife were brutalized by terror squads sanctioned by the government. When Chamusso got back to his life, his outlook and purpose changed. He was determined to strike back at the brutal apartheid regime. He becomes a rebel fighter codenamed "Hotstuff" and takes matters into his own hands. The government sends out policeman Nic Vos (Tim Robbins) to rein in "Hotstuff".

The film was originally titled "Hotstuff", but I think the studio thought better of that because it probably sounded too much like a college comedy. And this film is far from that. (Marty Doskins/BOP)

Vital statistics for Catch a Fire
Main Cast Tim Robbins, Derek Luke, Bonnie Henna
Director Phillip Noyce
Screenwriter Shawn Slovo
Distributor Focus Features
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 102 minutes
Screen Count 1,305
Awards Awards page for Catch a Fire
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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