The Weather Man

Release Date: October 28, 2005
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Movie of the Day for Monday, February 14, 2005
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He's gonna make us turn our heads and cough, isn't he?

On the Big Board
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66/166 David Mumpower This is Nicolas Cage's best performance in a while. I don't know if that's a compliment or not.

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For people such as myself who can sit and watch weather guru Jim Cantore for hours, at last there is a movie made just for us! The Weather Man centers around a successful television weathercaster from Chicago (no, not Tom Skilling, although he reportedly served as a technical advisor for the film).

Nicolas Cage portrays the title character, and his conflict in the film arises when he finds himself with a job offer in New York City. As he's preparing to make the move to the larger demographic market, his personal life turns messy. He attempts to reconcile with his estranged spouse (American Splendor's Hope Davis) in hopes that she and the children might find some way to be happy about making the move with him.

Also onboard in a supporting role is the ubiquitous Michael Caine, who plays Cage's perpetually disapproving father, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Nicholas Hoult, last seen as the misfit boy who stalked Hugh Grant in the Calvin-award winning "About A Boy", plays Cage's son.

Gore Verbinski, most recently seen at the helm of hits like The Ring and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, directs. The overall tone of the film has been compared to both "American Beauty" and "About Schmidt", suggesting that the creative team had lofty aspirations that the marketing team might now be cursing. (Kim Hollis/Jennifer Turnock/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Weather Man
Main Cast Nicolas Cage, Michael Caine, Hope Davis
Supporting Cast Gemmenne de la Pena, Nicholas Hoult, Michael Rispoli, Judith McConnell, David Darlow
Director Gore Verbinski
Screenwriter Steve Conrad
Distributor Paramount
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating R
Running Time 102 minutes
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for The Weather Man
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
National Treasure 11/19/0435.14 35.14 3017 11648.18 11648.2 172.98 172.98 0.00
Matchstick Men 9/12/0313.09 13.09 2711 4827.00 4827.0 36.87 36.87 2.82



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