The Amazing Race 26: Power Rankings

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

March 12, 2015

Queen (and King) for a day.

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1) Matt & Ashley

New rule in the Power Rankings that we don’t expect to come up a lot: If you get engaged (or married), you earn first place in the power rankings. We are a bit disappointed that it wasn’t one of the blind daters who did this, though.

2) Jenny & Jelani

No, they aren’t the greatest treetop waiters, but they have still won two out of three legs. And third place on this one was pretty solid, too. We do think Jelani is going to need to stick up for himself more if the team is going to make a deep run, though.

3) Laura & Tyler

It’s close between them and Aly & Steve, but Laura & Tyler seem to be low maintenance with great chemistry. Thus far, the lowest they’ve finished is fourth, which is quite impressive given the large number of teams who started this year.

4) Steve & Aly

Raise your hand if you earned a spot on Team America at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. That’s what we thought. No, Steve & Aly are not wakeboard masters, but they’ve been consistently solid in every event thus far. If we could only pick one team to win this season, they’re currently the choice.


5) Mike & Rochelle

After finishing near the bottom in the first two legs – and Rochelle milking an injury for everything it was worth – this couple finally found an activity that properly suited their skillset: Ladyboy Dancing. Mike, if this show doesn’t work out, you’ve got a future at the circus as the bearded lady.

6) Hayley & Blair

Hey, Blair? Did you know that Hayley interpreted a clue better than you did during the Tree detour? While your new girlfriend was a bit too shy to mention it, she did! Seriously, Hayley, if that’s the way you ride someone when they make a mistake, you’re going to be single well beyond the end of The Amazing Race.

7) Jeff & Jackie

They didn’t run a great leg, but we’re giving them special “sexy time” bonus. Keep at it, Team Sleepinthesamebed.

8) Bergen & Kurt

Homer Simpson likes Ned Flanders more than Bergen likes Kurt. One of the funniest things we’ve seen on The Amazing Race was the two of them playing Hot Potato with the date they “won.” We think they’re about two episodes away from open warfare against each other.

9) Jonathan & Harley

They’re our favorite team this year, but the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers are closer to first place than they are at the moment.



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