The Amazing Race Recap

By Daron Aldridge

October 15, 2012

They ain't pretty. They just look that way.

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Seven days later, my discontent with the last elimination and distaste for the winning team has waned some. That is, until I started to review last week’s recap to assign my new rankings. Would I be this put off if I didn’t like the team who was eliminated solely because of their cabbie? Probably not, but I still am not a fan of people losing the race to no real fault of their own. Farewell, Amy & Daniel. We may have hardly known you, but I liked you from what little we saw.

Anyway, the bigger issue is that the twins have likely extended their Race life by winning the coveted Express Pass. I still don’t like them and therefore, this week’s rankings pain me more than usual:

  1. Abbie & Ryan (Dating divorcees): Fourth place on the previous leg means they slipped a bit but from what we have seen of the teams this season, they are still the favorites to make it to the final. The teased Double U-Turn this week may be cause for alarm unless, they A.) Stay far enough ahead of the others so they can’t be U-Turned or B.) Showed they are fallible by not dominating the last leg. That extra $1 million carrot dangling in front of them should be enough incentive to make A.) happen.

  2. Trey & Lexi (Dating): Last week, Team Longhorn ended in second place. In spite of their unholy allegiance with my least favorite team, I still think these guys have the spunk and fun-loving attitude to go the distance on the race. They work well together and after two legs, there hasn’t been even a tinge of animosity or frustration directed at one another. This alone makes me comfortable placing them ahead of most teams, especially…

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  4. Natalie & Nadiya (twin sisters): I sincerely hope the first place these twins nabbed on the last leg was a fluke. But the fact that they now have the Express Pass doesn’t bode well for elimination in the near future. If I had my way, tonight’s U-Turn would be used on them after they foolishly think that they are safe and use the Pass on the first part of the Detour only to see they are exactly where they were. That is such a big IF and pipe dream that I don’t believe it will happen and why I am placing them this high.

  5. James & Abba (Friends): Like recycling the same chords from generic heavy metal ballads, Team Headbangers Ball recycled their sixth place finish from the first leg. I would like to see the strategic side of James & Abba’s racing produce better results in the long run for them (i.e. the risky Jakarta standby flight last week that put them at their destination an hour earlier but then having to wait for sunrise and everyone catching up). At this point, it’s just been an “okay” performance, like a White Lion reunion gig at your local fair, but given the quality of the other teams, I still place them in the top four.

  6. (tie) Caitlin & Brittany (Friends): The blondes were just off the middle of the pack with a seventh place finish on the last leg. AND Josh & Brent (Life partners for 15 years): Team Beekman snagged a fifth place finish last week. This ranking should be subtitled “Where are they now, because I don’t remember seeing them last week?” Neither of these teams did anything remarkable for the good or the bad last week. Heck, Team Beekman got ZERO screen time during the Detour. They are at the clue box and the next thing we see is them standing in front of Phil. If I had to pick, I would give the girls a slight edge over the guys, because of the quickness to argue that Josh & Brent have already show for us.

  7. Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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