Here Comes the Boom
(1 point per category)
Clearest Title |
I declare that this can not possibly be a word.
Boom is a word, but it does not make sense in this sentence.
I understand this word and it sounds scary.
I haven’t heard of the movie Sinister before, but it has the clearest title- point.
Best Genre and Rating | Drama
Rated R for language and some violent images.
Rated PG for MMA sports violence, some rude humor, and language.
| Horror
Rated R for disturbing violent images and some terror.
Here Comes the Boom gets a point for being PG! There should be more PG movies aimed at adults these days.
Cleverest Tagline (out of 5 stars) |
The movie was fake. The mission was real.
3/5 Decent tagline. Awesome true story plot.
| One teacher still believes in fighting for his students.
3/5 Ha, he’s fighting emotionally AND physically.
Once you see him, nothing can save you.
2/5 Generic.
The first two movies will split the point for the best taglines. Sorry Sinister.
Best Part of Trailer |
It’s a real spy story. Looks good.
It’s not a dumb Kevin James comedy, it’s like a Kevin James inspirational dramedy (which is a good thing)
Not my personal cup of tea, but it looked good for a horror trailer.
Argo has the best trailer (but I don’t disapprove of the other ones). Point.
Coolest Lead Actor |
Ben Affleck from Good Will Hunting, Daredevil, and Pearl Harbor.
Kevin James from The King of Queens, Hitch, and Paul Blart: Mall Cop.
Ethan Hawke from Training Day, Before Sunset, and Dead Poet’s Society.
I love Jennifer Garner (Ethan guest starred on Alias, Ben married her), and Nicole Sullivan (King of Queens), so all three men will split a jealous point from me.
Best Cast |
Bryan Cranston (Malcolm in the Middle), Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine), John Goodman (Roseanne), and Victor Garbor (Alias)
Salma Hayek (Frida) and Henry Winkler (Happy Days)
Names weren’t super recognizable (yet)
Argo has the best cast this week (it would have the best cast of all time if it also starred The Fonz).
Best Street Cred For the Production |
Director Ben Affleck has also directed The Town and Gone Baby Gone.
Director Frank Coraci has also directed Zookeeper, The Waterboy, and The Wedding Singer.
Writer and Director Scott Derrickson also wrote and directed The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Comparable to their genres, Ben and Frank have directed amazing movies. Each will split the point.