Survivor: Philippines - Episode 3

This Isn’t A We Game

By Ben Willoughby

October 4, 2012

There will be cookies back at Ponderosa.

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Previously on Survivor, Jonathan found the hidden immunity idol at Kalabaw and no one cared. Also, we didn’t find out anything about anyone else at Kalabaw, except Jeff Kent’s leg. At Tandang, Lisa was looking sad, and according to Probst, was “looking like the first to go”, while RC found a clue to the immunity idol and shared it with Abi, who informed her “I’m your friend, but if you [redacted] with me, you’re dead”. And Matsing continued to both suck and blow at the same time, losing their second immunity challenge and Roxy. Also, Angie likes cookies!

Matsing arrives back from Tribal Council. “That was fun”, says Malcolm, which is what he said after the last Tribal Council. Let’s see if he says it next episode. They talk about how Roxy “did what she had to do.” Angie, who is still processing what happened, says that “it was all unnecessary” and that “Roxy kind of exploded… it came out of out of nowhere,” so she obviously missed all of the last episode, which probably featured a good 20 minutes of Roxy complaining about Angie and Malcolm snuggling. “Peanut butter cups!” says Angie. Russell, for his part, says that Roxy was absolutely right at Tribal – the Malcolm-Angie alliance is real, and that if Denise ends up hitching her wagon to the young Matsings, he’s dead. Not the type of dead that Russell nearly experienced that one time, but you know what he means.

At Tandang, that Wall Street go-getter RC wants to go looking for the hidden immunity idol. Abi, who has twisted her knee twice as many times as Jeff Kent so far, is more interested in sunning herself on the beach. “I need to get myself to a hundred percent… My instincts are amazing,” she claims “so I’ll stay here and sit on the beach.” This may sound as foolhardy a statement as any since the first episode of the first season of Survivor, when Richard Hatch spent most of his time sitting in a tree. We’ll see if this works out as well for Abi.


RC insists to Abi that she’s not a liability, and Abi – who doesn’t want RC to go looking for the idol – uses whatever passive-aggressive response comes to mind. The conversation ends up getting quite heated, with RC frustrated that Abi doesn’t want to do anything, which seems to be exactly how Abi wants it. Sample of the conversation: “Stop fighting.” “I’m not fighting. Don’t waste my time.” RC claims to be 100% with Abi, but Abi is letting the paranoia get to her. We later see RC bond some more with Michael, about Abi snapping at her, and how every time RC tries to clear the air, Abi gets angry.

Later at Tandang, Abi is telling Pete about the clue to the hidden immunity idol, and how she wants to find it before RC. For all Abi’s talk about her amazing instincts, they are dead wrong about RC being untrustworthy. They should be telling her that RC is a giant sucker. RC has talked a lot about how she will succeed at Survivor because she is successful in the back-stabby Wall Street environment, but as we will see a little later, working Wall Street and hailing taxi cabs in the rain has barely prepared her for Survivor.

Later still, we see Pete telling Lisa that everyone wants to get rid of her first but he’s not on board with that. Instead, he wants to get rid of Michael because “he’ll be a huge problem at the end.” In interview, Lisa says she would prefer to get rid of RC, but she decides to lay low. “Tell me what to do. I’ll follow your lead,” she says to Pete. “All I need from you is when I tell you to vote for somebody, to vote.” Poor Michael’s heart is breaking and he doesn’t know why. “Mike, RC, and we’ll take it from there,” says Pete. At least Lisa looks happier today.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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