The Amazing Race Recap

By David Mumpower and Kim Hollis

November 21, 2011

I love you almost as much as Peyton Manning.

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With Angry Dad and his unfortunate son out of the way, we’re down to the final competitors in the race. Five teams remain to compete for three finalist spots, and it’s looking like for some of the competitors, it’s simply going to come down to who’s going to make the fewest mistakes. So, let’s take a look at the power rankings and see where these racers stack up.

  • Team Dude, snowboarders Andy & Tommy - So they didn’t finish in first last week, but that’s plenty of reason to believe they’re still the best team out there. This duo works together almost effortlessly, with a natural chemistry that their competitors just can’t match. We’ll continue to expect meddling from the producers to ensure that they won’t just completely dominate the remainder of the race.

  • Engaged couple Ernie & Cindy - They didn’t get any more likable last week, but they did finally manage to win a leg. Basically, when we look at them versus the teams below them, it just comes down to the fact that they do make fewer errors than their compatriots. It’s not that they’re super spectacular at the race or anything like that. We will say that we’re absolutely rooting for them to be eliminated this time out. Maybe the Amazing Race gods will hear our prayers.

  • Grandparents Bill & Cathi - We almost want to push them ahead of Ernie & Cindy for their sweet love story alone, but alas, they’ve had the propensity to make a few errors here and there throughout the race. However, they’re working together really well in these later legs, and their maturity and level-headedness can really work for them in high-stress situations. We do worry about the possibility of physical challenges taking their toll, but really, neither of them has shown any signs of wearing down.

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  • Team NFL Marcus & Amani - Still our favorites, but also highly prone to slipups. They might not have blown away the competition last week, but this duo did get some rest while they waited for their plane and as a result, their legs might be just a bit fresher. This may play to their advantage, but even though we love them, we fully admit that they could get tripped up in some details.

  • Jeremy & Sandy, test-driving their relationship on the race - They finished just ahead of Zac & Laurence last week, and that’s really only because Bill & Cathi were kind enough to give the father-son team a U-Turn, thereby sealing their fate. Jeremy & Sandy are fairly nondescript in comparison to the other teams, which makes us wonder if their edit wouldn’t indicate that there’s no reason to even bother rooting for them. It’s possible they’ll prove us wrong, but they have no outstanding skills and their communication can be tenuous at best.

Previously on The Amazing Race, supremely obnoxious Laurence and his much nicer son Zac were eliminated, leaving us with a trio of respectable teams, a nondescript team (Jeremy & Sandy) and a team where the guy could do so much better (Ernie & Cindy). With Laurence gone, the toxic atmosphere of the show is reduced 50%. Get rid of Cindy and we’ll be breathing enough clean air to make Al Gore smile.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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