Survivor: Tocantins

The Biggest Fraud in the Game

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

April 16, 2009

Yes, this will do him a lot of good later.

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Survivor fans, watch for our quiz, How Well Do You Know: Survivor: Tocantins, to be published the morning after the series finale!

Previously on Survivor, Joe's leg was gross, which meant the end of his Survivor journey. Coach declared himself the Dragon Slayer (and not satirically), while Taj was willing to dump her super secret merge alliance with Brendan because he hadn't shown her attention lately. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and all that. Also, the tribes merged, and Tyson proved himself to be a master pole grabber, something we've suspected for some time now.

Night 21 finds the Forza tribe sitting under an umbrella, sipping cocktails and enjoying a dream vacation. That's what the delirious ones think they're doing, anyway. The rest of them are sitting under a chintzy parasol, listening to their growling stomachs and thinking about how stupid an idea this was if they don't win the million dollars.

That's okay. Things *can* get worse, as Coach points out. He proceeds to tell the group a story about four foot tall men in the Amazon who tied him up and beat him with clubs. Wait. Hey, that wasn't Coach! That was a scene from the Rundown! Will he next regale them with the story of the time he found out that the warlord he was trying to topple who had chopped off his hand was really his father. Or maybe the time that Mr. Miyagi taught him to be the best around.


The best part of this from our perspective is that this comes 24 hours after Coach said he would never lie to anyone. Brendan gives Coach the same look that we often see Jim give Dwight on The Office. The title of this episode, "The Biggest Fraud in the Game", comes from Brendan's comments about these ridiculous stories. We also hear that Coach was once a princess bride.

Erinn and JT have a conversation wherein they forge an underlying friendship if not quite an alliance. This friendship is predicated on the fact that Erinn has felt as if she would be the next one to go home for awhile now. As a member of the minority tribe, JT can relate. Both of them think that they're part of a majority alliance at the moment, but they're keeping each other in mind if they need a Plan B. We think that they were actually just looking to make small talk in a quiet location far away from Coach.

Probst has arrived! Today's reward challenge is an elaborate version of Toss Across. The tribe is split into three teams of three, who will compete against each other to break a set of tiles placed in eight connected boxes located from five to 30 feet away. The prize is a whitewater rafting trip. No word on whether the four foot midgets with clubs are included in the package. It's a close match-up, but the team of Brendan, Debbie and JT takes the reward. They also get to send one person to Exile Island. Stephen is the lucky guy who gets to spend a little time away from Coach.

Continued:       1       2



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