Survivor: Caramoan - Episode 8

Blindside Time

By Ben Willoughby

April 4, 2013

Probst is just happy that his man crushes get to hang around awhile longer.

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Sherri interviews she wants to make a big move, but also that she can’t stand Phillip because he is “so arrogant.” Andrea is pow-wowing with Erik while they pretend to pay attention to the new tribe flag. “Just point to the name,” Erik pleads.

We get a quick word from each camp before Tribal Council. Paraphrasing, but Cochran: “Sherri will do anything, but Erik does not like strategy and is incompetent.” Malcolm “It’s happening like we have the numbers already.” Erik: “I have no idea what’s going on. Looks like I’m the swing vote. I’m a valuable player. That’s so cool. I’m confused. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Tribal Council. Twelve are left, and they’ve brought out the extra-long bench to sit everyone on. The early questions are easily dealt with. Michael lies that the “favorites” are sticking together. Probst asks Corinne that as a returning player, she must know what it is like to feel a little helpless. Corinne’s answer is that there’s never a helpless situation on Survivor. “I’m not about problems but solutions. If you come to me with a good idea I’ll probably listen.” Which is her answer why? Even Phillip facepalms.

Probst asks Dawn (when he should have asked Phillip) about Corinne’s answer, and Dawn says that it’s an individual game and everyone’s trying to make moves. Cochran does a better job of smoothing things over by explaining that Corinne is “open and honest” and he would be “more worried” if Corinne was saying she “wasn’t open to this.”


Probst asks Reynold what he should do, so he makes a pitch to the “favorites”, saying that if you’re at the bottom of the alliance, now is the time to make a move. Erik gives a non-answer that this is the dynamic going on right now.

Probst says to Andrea that the good news about being a returning player is that you’ve played before, and the bad news is that you’ve played before. Given how this season is working out, I’d say that’s more good news than bad. Andrea says that she is “so much more paranoid this time around” because the standard of deception is higher.

Does Corinne agree with that? She says “everybody’s got a plan, until they are punched in the face. Every one of the ‘favorites’ is waiting to get punched in the face."

Probst asks Sherri if there’s anything she can do at this point. She rolls over completely, saying, “I think the fans don’t have a shot.” Probably the right answer. But Reynold doesn’t want that to be the story. He says there has been more maneuvering going on than you see at Tribal Council, and trouble will come up soon. “Tonight’s vote won’t be a shocker, but I think there’s some shockers on the way." Why does he think he’s a better player than everyone else when he's so clearly telegraphing his plans? Anyway, it’s time to vote.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6       7



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