Joe Mauer
The Queen |
It could have been a disaster, but manages to succeed on every level. Helen Mirren is worthy of every positive adjective you can think of. Astonishing... Amazing... |
Borat |
Fearless, revelatory comedy. Explosively funny. Let's just hope people get the joke. |
Children of Men |
Thought-provoking and clever, this is the action movie of the year. Clive Owen is predictably great. |
The Departed |
Absolutely outstanding. Fantastic work by the entire cast. It's easy to forget just how good Nicholson is. Scorcese is at the top of his game. |
Superman Returns |
Captures the majesty and grandeur of the character. Terrific work by Routh. Can Bryan Singer direct every comic adaptation? |
Casino Royale |
By far the best Bond movie in years. Daniel Craig is terrific and the movie really benefits from the focus on (relative) realism and actual acting. |
Stranger Than Fiction |
A perfect vehicle for Will Ferrell, who is bolstered by a terrific cast (also: Queen Latifah). Never missteps despite many opportunities. |
Little Children |
Great acting from Wilson, Winslet and Haley doesn't quite make the movie great. Still, despite losing big chunks of the book, it's a terrific movie. |
Clerks II |
Surprisingly thoughtful and introspective. Unsurprisingly crude, rude and hilarious. |
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby |
Hilarious and absurd, the film has some dead spots but features outstanding work by all the actors. Is NASCAR Nation in on the joke? |
V for Vendetta |
Who would have thought a guy in a mask could be expressive? Timely social commentary mixed with outstanding filmmaking. |
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing |
Not only is it a revealing political documentary, it's also an interesting look at the recording process of one of the world's most popular bands. |
Pan's Labyrinth |
Outstanding fantasy that boasts impressive work by the child star. |
A.J. Pierzynski
Cars |
Maybe it's Pixar's history, but I was mildly disappointed. The animation is beautiful, but the story is a little too obvious and predictable. |
Babel |
Great work by the cast in this well-made, painful to watch film that ultimately collapses under the weight of itself. Just not a fun experience. |
Lucky Number Slevin |
You can't ask for a better cast, with terrific work by Hartnett in particular. The film is nice and twisty, and the payoff actually pays off. |
Slither |
Fun and witty. You can never go wrong with Nathan Fillion or Elizabeth Banks. |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest |
The film is missing some of the whimsy of the original, but it's still a well-crafted, creatively shot piece of pop art. Way too much setup in the first half with just enough payoff in the second. |
The Prestige |
Not great, but the superior of the 2006 magician movies. I'll watch anything Christopher Nolan does, even if it's a bit disappointing. |
Beerfest |
Not as good as Super Troopers but better than Club Dread. Frequently hilarious, it's just a bit too long. More Broken Lizard movies, please. |
Jackass: Number Two |
Disgusting and hilarious. Disgustingly hilarious. |
Invincible |
Wahlberg is good, but the supporting cast is better. It's a terrific sports film that provides the requisite chills. |
Neil Young: Heart of Gold |
An intimate, well-shot concert film that is more for Young fans than the general public. That said, even this fan doesn't love the new's the classics that make this worthwhile. |
The Devil Wears Prada |
Meryl Streep is just unbelievably good, as always. Anne Hathaway is surprisingly good. It's always nice to see Aquaman take other roles. |
The Holiday |
Nothing groundbreaking, but charming all the same. Kate Winslet looks odd in modern dress...she really should do more comedy. |
An Inconvenient Truth |
Eye-opening if a bit dull. Al Gore does his best to make the slide show interesting. |
Jorge Posada
Dave Chappelle's Block Party |
Chappelle is engaging as always. I can't wait for the third season of Chappelle's Show...ah shit. |
A Prairie Home Companion |
It's odd to criticize a Robert Altman movie for feeling unfocused, but this might be the one. Still, even a mediocre Altman film is better than...a bad one. |
Little Miss Sunshine |
Not deep enough to sustain the caricatures on screen, the movie is helped immensely by Rick James' Superfreak and the always brilliant Steve Carell. |
Thank You for Smoking |
Well made and entertaining. I was expecting something a bit more scathing. A film almost too proud of itself for being clever. |
Monster House |
Witty and clever but missing some of the depth that would have kept a better movie going. |
Mission: Impossible III |
Better than Mission: Impossible II but not as good as it thinks it is. Boy does Tom Cruise run a lot. The action is great and the cast is impressive. But something's still missing. |
The Blood Diamond |
Disappointing and mediocre despite top notch talent, beautiful cinematography, and well-done action. |
Javy Lopez
The Illusionist |
Despite good work from Ed Norton, Paul Giamatti and Jessica Biel, the movie's grand ambitions don't bear fruit. It's a shame, because there's plenty of great pieces but no glue. |
Failure to Launch |
Shockingly not godawful. The entire cast (including Terry Bradshaw) is more memorable than Sarah Jessica Parker. |
Accepted |
Genial and harmless. Somewhat disappointing that they didn't go for an R-rating and all the benefits for the audience. |
The Black Dahlia |
Promising but ultimately disappointing. Overly long and poorly edited, the movie steps on the all of the actor's performances. |
Idiocracy |
Really stupid (though that's the point) but intermittently hilarious. |
Marie Antoinette |
Surprisingly slight given the incredible set and costume design. I know what it's about, just not what it's about. |
The Notorious Bettie Page |
Gretchen Mol is great and it looks good, but what is it about? Rarely do I complain about a movie being too short, but this one seems like it's missing 30 minutes. |
Inside Man |
The actors are good and it looks nice, but it's all sound and fury signifying nothing. Too many loose ends... |
Yadier Molina
American Dreamz |
Mildly amusing, but missing the bite and wit that make good satire. Mandy Moore and Hugh Grant do their best, but they're not working with much. |
The Good German |
Muddled and without purpose, the film wastes Clooney and Blanchett. Maguire is, as always, out of place. |
The Last Kiss |
Thoroughly unrealistic in a variety of ways. The movie tries too hard to go in multiple directions and gets lost each time. Very disappointing. |
The Good Shepherd |
Production design and a great cast can't cover for an incredibly dull movie with a one-note performance from Matt Damon. |
Feast |
Just not very good, though it could have been. |
Miami Vice |
Aimless, shameless and pointless. Everyone involved should be ashamed. |
The Fountain |
Pure gibberish. Well, at least the 25 minutes I made it through. |
Running With Scissors |
A bad movie about mean, horrible people that completely lacks the wit, humor or charm of the book. |
The Da Vinci Code |
A book with one interesting idea but terrible writing becomes a movie with the same problems but more boredom. |
X-Men: The Last Stand |
Why waste a great cast (also in the movie: Halle Berry), characters and history with such terrible writing? Let's just pretend it never happened. |
Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny |
Even as someone who enjoyed their first album and has seen the D in concert, I couldn't find anything in the movie to keep me watching past the first 20 minutes. |