BOP Daily News

August 26, 2003

The spirit of BOP News lives on in
This is So Last Week,
our pop culture week-in-review,
presented in a pleasing quiz form.

Mr. Madonna, otherwise known as director Guy Ritchie, has apparently taken a page from his wife's book and decided to change his direction at the drop of a hat. Instead of directing Revolver, a movie he co-wrote about a present-day Vegas swindle, Ritchie has instead opted to helm Six Shooters. The film, which tells the story of a plan hatched during the final days of the Civil War to high-jack a train filled with the gold reserves of the Confederacy, will begin shooting early next year. Friends and colleagues are reportedly trying to convince Ritchie not to cast his wife in the role of Jefferson Davis. Although we hear the music video she has planned for the title theme is something special. This hat is SO Civil War

Give us a puzzled look. Great!  A confident look. Great! A sad look. Great! They say you can never go home again, but Bruce Willis recently proved that adage wrong when he held a 30th reunion party for his alma mater, Penns Grove High School at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City. Willis, a member of the Class of '73, treated approximately 300 of his old school chums - most of which we're betting he hasn't seen in 30 years - to a weekend of drinks, food and entertainment. In addition to serving as DJ at a cocktail party welcoming the alums, Willis and his band, The Accelerators, performed at a concert along with former Grand Funk Railroad front-man Mark Farner. One person attending the party commented on the actor's accessibility, stating, "He took time to say hi to everyone and took pictures with anyone who asked," also observing the bash must have set Willis back at least $30,000. Tsk, tsk. The lengths some bands will go to to get an audience
Chili Palmer, the erstwhile hero of the Elmore Leonard novel Get Shorty, will be returning to the screen in Be Cool, Leonard's follow-up tome. John Travolta will once again portray the loan shark-turned-film producer, who ventures into the music biz, with predictably violent results. Palmer will reportedly be running afoul of the Russian Mafia in the film. A snag has reportedly been hit during pre-production meetings, however, as Travolta is insisting on adopting the dreadlocks he sported in Battlefield: Earth, contending they make him look "totally hip" and will get more people to rent the DVD of Battlefield:Earth. If you do not find a way to stop my head from growing, I will shoot you.
Who says politics can't be fun? A US district court has dismissed Fox News Channel's trademark infringement suit against Al Franken, stating the lawsuit was "wholly without merit, both factually and legally." The suit, which purported that Franken's use of the words "fair and balanced" in the title of his book infringed on Fox News' trademark of those words, sought an injunction against Franken's book being released, a point that was rendered largely moot as the book went on sale the day before the suit was heard. In his ruling, the judge stated, "Parody is a form of artistic expression protected by the First Amendment. The keystone to parody is imitation. Mr. Franken is clearly mocking Fox." Earlier in the week, Paul Newman lent his support to Franken via a New York Times op-ed piece, in which the Oscar winner stated the Fox suit had prompted him to sue the Department of Housing and Urban Development, commonly known as HUD, constituted "piracy of personality and copyright infringement," as it might confuse audiences who associated him with the movie character known as Hud. At press time, the Fox News Channel did not rule out the possibility of an appeal of the decision. The Department of Housing and Urban Development, however, has capitulated on the use of the acronym HUD and will now be called the Federal Oversight of Inexpensive Neighborhoods Existing Within Suburbs, or FOXNEWS.
In honor of Finding Nemo becoming the most successful animated film of all-time, BOP wanted to do something special. Since we couldn't think of anything else, we will now list the names of some fish.
  • Tuna
  • Blowfish
  • Moby Dick
  • Wanda
  • Jaws
  • Edgar (he was one of the Piranhas in Piranha)
  • Wilbur (the shark in Deep Blue Sea)
  • Gordon Gekko
  • The Fighting Hellfish
Even deadlier than the real thing

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