BOP Daily News

May 9, 2005

The spirit of BOP News lives on in
This is So Last Week,
our pop culture week-in-review,
presented in a pleasing quiz form.

Wesley Snipes has bitten the only hand that has ever fed him. The titular star of the Blade franchise has burned his last remaining studio bridge by suing New Line Cinema. The actor, who hasn't had a non-Blade hit in... well, ever, has taken New Line and writer/director David Goyer to court. Snipes feels that he was badly mistreated during the shoot of the disastrous Blade: Trinity project. To his mind, it was unfair of the parties involved to hold him to his contract's stipulations. BOP doesn't mean to criticize, but we feel it's our duty to point out that the last decade worth of non-franchise films Wesley Snipes has done, the non-straight-to-video ones anyway, have averaged opening weekends of about $6 million. We guess that Snipes figures that there is little need to suck up to New Line and Goyer now since there is no chance of another Blade movie or television series. I carried the Major League franchise, at least the first movie....

At least I will have my winning personality for fall back on. In seemingly unrelated news, Spike TV has gone public with their intentions to create a two hour movie followed by a weekly television series based on the Blade movie franchise. Network president Doug Herzon has noticed that his network cleaned up with Highlander and Star Trek ratings, so they are moving forward with plans to re-introduce the currently abandoned serial action-adventure genre to their cable viewers. The series will focus on both Blade and some of the characters introduced in Blade: Trinity. The one casting note we can state with complete confidence is that executive producer David Goyer will not be inviting disgruntled employee Wesley Snipes back to play the title role. Wouldn't you just love to see the look on the face of Mr. Snipes when he read about this series?
Jennifer Garner is finally achieving the dream that Matt Damon has had for years now. She will bear Ben Affleck's child. No, there isn't a Jersey Girl sequel in the offing (dammit). The Alias star has announced that she is pregnant and due to conceive around the start of November. This confirmation comes on the heels of reports that Affleck proposed to Garner a couple of weeks ago at her 33rd birthday party. While Affleck's publicist instantly denied the rumored engagement, several friends of hers have done little to dispute the claim. Now, there is a smoking gun, albeit one of logical inference in the shotgun wedding vein. Really, though, what matters most here is how impending fatherhood will impact Ben Affleck's poker games. Also, will the Alias producers still make Jennifer Garner wear those ridiculously small, tight outfits when she is eight months pregnant? Already looking for a Mommy & Me Wu-shu class
Chagrined at realizing his first name is Hugo About Hugo Weaving, maybe he really isn't so bad once you get to know him. The Wachowski Brothers must think so, as they keep making him richer. Weaving has been the premiere cinematic bad guy of the past five years (save arguably Gollum), but he is now poised to portray a revolutionary vigilante named V in V for Vendetta. Weaving joins co-star Natalie Portman, who we are hoping is not a love interest, because that would be all kinds of icky. Weaving replaces James Purefoy, the Resident Evil actor who was originally cast. Details for the change were not released, but BOP figures that the stink of failure Purefoy has on him from doing a Reese Witherspoon movie, Vanity Fair, was enough to make the Wachowskis re-consider.

"You like that, Wesley Snipes, Passenger 57?!"
Previous edition's quote: Shaft

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