BOP Daily News

March 19, 2004

The spirit of BOP News lives on in
This is So Last Week,
our pop culture week-in-review,
presented in a pleasing quiz form.

So you’re Mel Gibson and you’ve just made over a quarter of a billion dollars in profit on your last film, where do you go from here? Obviously, the answer is you make a movie about the origin of Hanukkah. Gibson is reportedly interested in making a big screen feature about The Maccabees, Jews who fought off the Greeks almost 200 years before the birth of Christ. The story, which includes the origin of the custom of lighting candles for Hanukkah, is not present in the bible. Nothing has been confirmed yet in terms of production and the project is still in the “what I’d like” realm. What we can confirm is that Adam Sandler has been hired to do the soundtrack, which will include hits such as “The Hanukkah Song 165 BC”, “The Hanukkah Song Live in Jerusalem” and “Hey, Hey, We’re The Maccabees” as written by Neil Diamond. Oy vey, Moisha! You plan to wear that skirt to Temple?!

If Buscemi can do Sopranos, I can do CSI. Got it? So this might not exactly be movie news, but it does feature an actor who was hired to be in movies a while ago. Gary Sinise has signed on to star in the third CSI series for CBS. CSI began 3 years ago when Executive Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS unleashed the show on an unsuspecting public. Since then, the show has become one of, if not the most, popular shows on television. The original series, set in Las Vegas, inspired a spin-off called CSI: Miami. Now, the CSI crew has inked a deal to bring us the stories of a CSI team based in New York and Gary Sinise will play the lead in the series that will debut next fall. With the new New York setting, the Crime Scene Investigation team featured in the show will likely include about 36,000 members.
Kevin Smith has let slip his dirty little secret. Okay, maybe it’s not a dirty little secret but it’s definitely a secret. After, oh, about a week of hinting that he has his eyes set on a lead for his next film, the superhero film The Green Hornet, Smith has let it be known that the actor he is after is Jake Gyllenhaal. Gyllenhaal, fondly known for his role in Bubble Boy and some other critically acclaimed movie we can’t bother to mention now, was actually Spider-Man for about 2 days in what turned out to be a squabble between Sony and Tobey Maguire. Smith and Gyllenhaal have reportedly met and discussed the project of the costumed crime-fighter. The Green Hornet is best known as the vehicle that launched Bruce Lee’s career in the 60s when the show debuted as a sister program to Adam West’s campy Batman. With a much more serious tone, the show never really caught and only served as the project that first put Bruce Lee in Hollywood’s spotlight. The question now becomes, who in their right mind will try and play Kato? Jason Lee, anyone? This could be a fresh new direction for this property. No, I will NOT audition with Kato Kaelin
A kill ain’t a kill unless it’s big and fat Early hype for Robert Rodriguez’s big screen version of Sin City has begun. The director has begun throwing out names of actors he would like to have come on board the project. The names include such star as Leonardo Di Caprio, Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood, Benicio Del Toro and Mickey Rourke…hold on, Mickey Rourke? Is there a snowball’s chance in hell that Mickey Rourke would turn down a part? Any part? Anyway, Sin City will be based on a comic book by the same name, which was created by comic book legend Frank Miller. Miller, whose work is the basis on which the latest Batman film is built, originally published the Sin City stories as a black and white mini-series. The many different since the originally publication are all film noir and are typically dark and violent. Miller allegedly sold the rights to the film with a “No 3D” clause so Rodriguez might be limited in what he can do with the material.
George Clooney has debunked the reports that he is in negotiations to play Thomas Magnum in the big screen adaptation of Magnum P.I. No big loss, really. We've seen George's mustache. Maybe he can do Hunter...or TJ Hooker

"Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse."

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