Frequently Asked Questions

What is Box Office Prophets?
Box Office Prophets is a Web site dedicated to the analysis of the film industry, including reviews, commentary, previews, and box office analysis. The staff of BOP has been running film Web sites in one incarnation or another for over seven years.

What type of content will I find on Box Office Prophets?
There are several specific areas that the staff of Box Office Prophets focuses on: box office numbers (records, historical trends, current grosses, predictions), film reviews, DVD reviews, films airing on television, issues facing the industry, news, and upcoming releases.

The Web site features a database of box office grosses dating back to 1989. Additionally, the site maintains preview pages for upcoming films both individually and on a monthly basis.

Can I write for Box Office Prophets?
Thank you very much, that's an extremely generous offer, but at the moment we are not accepting new writing staff. Unless you are Nick Hornby, in which case, drop us a line.

Can you help me contact Person X or get a job in the movie industry?
No. Box Office Prophets is not affiliated with any other corporation, film or television studio, or production company. BOP is an independently maintained and supported outlet for film and box office analysis, criticism, and commentary.

BOP News --- totally fake or not?
Daily News is a humor column based on real life events. While the start of the story is always rooted in truth (or at least real rumors), punch lines are another story. We make no claim that the punch line is rooted in truth; anticipate that they have an element of hyperbole to them for entertainment value. Daily News is not intended to be taken as serious news.

What are the Calvin Awards?
For the past five years, the staff at Box Office Prophets has voted on the site's annual Calvin Awards, the BOP version of the Academy Awards. The nomination and voting processes are subject to the standards of nominator or voter. As long as the nomination comes from a film released in the calendar year under consideration, it is eligible for a Calvin Award.

What are the lists? How are they compiled?
Several times a year, the staff at Box Office Prophets works within a set question or category to establish a list of the site's favorite or least favorite ________. Like the Calvin Awards, the lists are subjective and unique to the site.

Who are the people behind BOP?
BOP is comprised of a group of film fans with a common interest: providing insightful, intelligent discussions of the issues facing current cinema and the film industry.

We have dedicated ourselves to making this Web site as professional as possible. While we do use humor in our analysis and general content, particularly at times when the target is just too hard to ignore (see: BOP News, Jason X or Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course), for the most part, we work to be a reputable source of information. Excepting Daily News, columns are intended as professional, serious work, though some columnists may rely on humor to get their point across more than others. Of course, depending on your tastes, "humor" is a subjective term.

Our content with staff and their regular contributions are as follows:

Regular content
Amazing Race Recap
Beyond the Slimy Wall
BOP Lists
BOP News
Box office fallacies
Directors series
Drawn that Way
Friday Numbers Analysis
Hidden Gems
How to Spend $20
How Well Do You Know?
Hyde's Classics
It Came from the Basement
Monday Morning Quarterback
Monthly Forecasts
Movie News
Oscar Analysis
Shaking our fists at the Sun
She Said/He Said
Simpsons Minutiae
Survivor Recap
Trailer Hitch
Weekend Forecast
Weekend Wrap-Up


Michael Bentley
  • A-Lists
  • Hidden Gems
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • monthly forecasts
  • Simpsons Minutiae

    Tim Briody
  • box office fallacies
  • film synopses
  • Friday numbers
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • monthly forecasts
  • Weekend Wrap-Up

    Kevin Chen
  • BOP News
  • movie reviews
  • site design/toys

    Joel Corcoran
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • How to Spend $20
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • How to Spend $20

    Jason Dean
  • A-Lists
  • film synopses
  • movie reviews
  • movieball

    Stephanie DeGateo
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • movie reviews

    Marty Doskins
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • monthly forecasts
  • site maintenance

    Ben Farrow
  • movie reviews

    Jared Fields
  • film synopses

    Lexy Green
  • op-ed

    Walid Habboub
  • BOP News Editor
  • daily numbers analysis
  • film synopses
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • movieball
  • op-ed
  • Vs.
  • weekend forecasts
  • weekend wrap-up

    John Hamann
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • weekend wrap-up

    Kim Hollis
  • BOP News
  • Drawn That Way
  • film synopses
  • Friday numbers analysis
  • main site design
  • monthly forecasts
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • movie news
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed
  • She Said/He Said
  • Web Master
  • weekend forecasts

    Alex Hudson
  • Directors series

    Chris Hyde
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed

    Matthew Kinney
  • BOP News
  • movie reviews
  • movie synopses
  • site maintenance

    Zach Kolkin
  • movie synopses
  • op-ed
  • Trailer Hitch

  • Tony Kollath
  • BOP News
  • movie reviews
  • movie synopses
  • site design/toys
  • Web Master

    Dan Krovich
  • BOP news
  • film synopses
  • monthly forecasts
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed
  • Survivor recaps

    Kyle Kunitake
  • op-ed

    David Meek
  • BOP News
  • op-ed
  • site design/toys
  • site maintenance

    David Mumpower
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • Friday numbers analysis
  • main site design
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • She Said/He Said
  • Vs.
  • Web Master
  • weekend wrap-up

    Joshua Rice
  • film synopses

    John Seal
  • It Came from the Basement
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • TiVoPlex

    Stephanie Star Smith
  • Beyond the Slimy Wall
  • BOP News
  • classic movie reviews
  • copy editor
  • film synopses
  • monthly forecasts
  • op-ed

    Reagen Sulewski
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • Monday Morning Quarterback
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed
  • Oscar analysis
  • weekend forecasts

    Calvin Trager
  • film synopses
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed

    Jennifer Turnock
  • BOP News
  • film synopses
  • op-ed

    Jim Van Nest
  • A-Lists
  • film synopses
  • movie reviews
  • Survivor
  • Trailer Hitch

    Ash Wakeman
  • international box office analysis
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed
  • site design/toys

    Les Winan
  • BOP news
  • film synopses
  • How to Spend $20
  • media relations
  • monthly forecasts
  • movie reviews
  • op-ed

  • Incorporation information
    Box Office Prophets
    One of Us, Inc.
    300 Gallant Fox Way
    Suite 828
    Knoxville, TN 37923
    incorporated November 16, 2001
      Board of Directors:
    Kimberly Hollis
    David Mumpower
    Walid Habboub
    Reagen Sulewski
    Ash Wakeman

    Chief Executive Officer: David Mumpower
    President: James Wood
    Vice President: Les Winan
    Secretary: Tony Kollath
    Treasurer: David Meek

    For media kits and press information, please contact
    Kim Hollis
    865-556-5847 or click here


    Need to contact us? E-mail a Box Office Prophet.
    Friday, July 26, 2024
    © 2024 Box Office Prophets, a division of One Of Us, Inc.