Watch What We Say
By Jared Fields
October 3, 2006

They are a handsome couple...once you get past the extermination of the human race.

Baseball playoffs start this week and replace most of the programming on Fox. On a good note, though, this week also marks the season premieres of the best two shows on television. While Monday doesn't bring either of these premieres, it does bring the cable run premiere of Everwood, a show that deserved a better fate than the one it received. If you missed it before you can catch it now on ABC Family. Also making a basic cable premiere is HBO's Six Feet Under, which will likely need some editing to fit Bravo's standards. The lone network premiere of the night is the two-hour premiere of The Bachelor on ABC.

Things pick up greatly on Tuesday night. NBC debuts Friday Night Lights, a series based on the high school football movie of the same name. The CW finally brings us the season premiere of the best show on television, Veronica Mars. If you've yet to give this series a chance, I implore you to do so now. The premiere episode is a good jumping on point for new viewers while not falling in the too common trap of endlessly retreading everything current fans already know.

Probably the most anticipated return of the season, ABC brings back Lost on Wednesday night. The coveted post-Lost slot goes to newcomer The Nine, which follows a group of people held hostage for more than two days after a bank robbery goes awry. In a related note for network executives, stretching out one show by a minute or two to trap people into watching the following show doesn't work if the other networks follow suit. It also doesn't work if people aren't interested in the show you're trying to hook them on. Usually, it just annoys people who either miss the beginning of the show they would like to watch or miss the overrun of the show that has been extended.

The few remaining debuts this week are cable series. Comedy Central has two premieres, both of them animated. First up is Wednesday's Freak Show, a new series co-created by David Cross from the sorely missed Arrested Development. Their other premiere, Drawn Together, returns the following night. Finally we have the two-hour premiere of the third season of Battlestar Galactica on Sci Fi. The only people surprised by me proclaiming this series the best show on television other than Veronica Mars have either never given it a chance or believe that I'm selling it short because it is the best series on television.