Monday Morning Quarterback Part II
By BOP Staff
July 18, 2006

We assume he's little all over.

Kim Hollis: Little Man opened to $21.7 million this weekend from 2,533 venues. How do the Wayans Brothers keep getting away with this?

David Mumpower: Talking about Shrek, Pirates and Spider-Man then talking about Little Man is like following up a Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and the Beatles discussion with Clay Aiken.

Tim Briody: White Chicks made money. Now this did too. We once again give up faith in humanity.

David Mumpower: I always thought White Chicks looked funny. Little Man makes me sad...not as sad as the other opener this weekend, but we'll get to that. At the end of the day, the Wayans brothers have built audience loyalty. Their movies deliver exactly what they promise, for better or worse.

Kim Hollis: See he's a man, but he's baby-sized. That leads to all sorts of creative avenues for humor.

David Mumpower: It's reverse Baby Geniuses!

Tim Briody: Really, based off the success, I wasn't *that* shocked at this opening. The ads were certainly better than this weekend's other comedy, which really isn't saying much, but still.

Joel Corcoran: I think it's a matter of "you can never be disappointed at a Wayans Brothers movie." Everyone knows exactly what they're getting before they even step out the door to go to the theater. That being said, I will continue stockpiling canned goods because I view this as yet another sign of the coming Apocalypse.

Kim Hollis: I think the marketing campaign for Little Man was an abomination. I can't believe anyone would willingly pay money to see it.

Joel Corcoran: It is not like this whole story wasn't done as a Looney Tunes short fifty years ago.

David Mumpower: Joel read my mind. Little Man always struck me as a modern update of Babyface Fenster from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. A baby with 5 o'clock shadow smoking cigars is funny to some people. But apparently not to Kim.

Joel Corcoran: I thought it was funny! When I was in the second grade.

Kim Hollis: It is funny...when done by Chuck Jones. The Wayans Brothers, on the other hand...

David Mumpower: Chuck Jones is dead. Give the new breed a chance.

Kim Hollis: Nothing beats classic Looney Tunes, sorry.

David Mumpower: Then why did Looney Tunes: Back in Action open to less than half of Little Man?

Kim Hollis: I said –classic- Looney Tunes.

We politely request that Owen Wilson give Wes Anderson a quick buzz

Kim Hollis: You, Me and Dupree debuted to $21.3 million at 3,131 locations. Which performance surprises you more, this or Little Man?

Tim Briody: Dupree. Even with the presence of Owen Wilson, more or less still hot after last year's The Wedding Crashers. This just looked bad. I'd go see Little Man before I'd see this.

David Mumpower: I'm disappointed over both, but Dupree disgusts me. This is the worst looking movie campaign I have seen since Along Came Polly. NO ONE should want to watch this dreck.

Tim Briody: I would imagine both Kate Hudson and Matt Dillon are positively giddy with this performance, and they have Wilson to thank for it.

Kim Hollis: I love Owen Wilson, but this one just looked awful to me. I'll still see it because, you know, Owen, but I'll definitely have lowered expectations. Even so, I thought Little Man looked much, much worse.

Joel Corcoran: That's like asking the question "Which surprises you more, accidentally stubbing your toe or dropping a bowling ball on your foot?" That being said, I think Dupree is about the worst raft of-- ... well, the biggest piece of garbage this summer. So it surprised me more. I mean, the Wayans Brothers do have a track record of spinning gold out of straw.

We politely request that Owen Wilson *not* accept phone calls from the Wayans

Kim Hollis: Now that we've had the boss from hell and the roommate from hell (and have the super ex-girlfriend from hell movie coming up), what's the next logical progression?

Joel Corcoran: Landlord from hell. Or financial advisor from hell.

David Mumpower: We've already had in-laws from Hell with Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers. Hmm, I'm noticing the "from Hell" projects are the exclusive domain of the Wilson brothers.

Tim Briody: Buffy the Vampire Slayer had an episode on it years ago, but it would be roommate (or anything, really) from hell. Literally.

David Mumpower: As opposed to Owen Wilson as the figurative roommate from Hell?

Kim Hollis: Alan Moore would like to state that he is very unhappy with the direction all these From Hell projects have taken.

Tim Briody: Right, they have to actually be from hell! It's funny! Or at least "funny" in the sense of Little Man.

David Mumpower: It dawns on me that the inevitable project is "brother from Hell" starring both Wilson brothers.

Tim Briody: I heard the Wayans Brothers are attached.

Joel Corcoran: And it will be titled "Little White Chicks".

David Mumpower: Is President from Hell too obvious right now?

Tim Briody: That was called Fahrenheit 9/11.