BOP 50 of the '80s
October 18, 2004

Those were seriously scary times in which we lived.

The 1980s were a disaster. It was all MTV's fault, really. The unknown cable channel went from anonymity to cultural impact player in roughly the span of a J. Geils Band video. The results were...unusual. Grown men were informed by David Lee Roth that vinyl was a fashion do. Women took a cue from Jennifer Beals and began to wear loose gray cotton that only had enough material to cover one shoulder. And the hair! Just think about the hair for a moment, then thank God that you live in an age where the only men who use that volume of hairspray are transvestites.

The 1980s had its share of cultural horror, but the one area where the decades stands strong is at the movies. BOP has taken the time to dive into the giant pile of celluloid and separate the riff-raff from the Harrison Ford films. What follows is a list of our 50 favorite films of the spandex decade. Calendar nuts, take note. A film has to have an 8 in the date in order to qualify for our list. That means BOP is looking at 1980-1989 as the decade rather than 1981-1990.

Read selections 50-46
Read selections 45-41
Read selections 40-36
Read selections 35-31
Read selections 30-26
Read selections 25-21
Read selections 20-16
Read selections 15-11
Read selections 10-6
Read selections 5-1

Below, a number of our staff members weigh in on films that, sadly, just couldn't fit on our list:

Stephanie DeGateo
Kim Hollis
David Mumpower
Calvin Trager
Ash Wakeman