Big Brother 11, Week 8
Now who’s Jordan going to snuggle with at night?
By Eric Hughes
September 7, 2009

That's probably a picture he'd rather not have floating around out there.

So much for winning the game, Jeff. Hell, you couldn't even make it to the final four. So sad... considering I predicted you had this thing in the bag a few weeks back. Now, both you AND Jordan may have lost your chance at half a mil.

But that's Big Brother for you. Friendships are formed, deals are made and HouseGuests, time and time again, stab each other in the frickin' backs, as we witnessed this week in Kevin penetrating his heartless, yet powerful Head of Household sword into a defenseless Jeff.

A week earlier, Jeff (as HoH) accepted a deal with Natalie and Kevin to keep both of them in the game and send his former friend, Russell, home. In return, Jeff was granted (or so he thought) complete protection from eviction if Kevin or Natalie were to become the next HoH.

Funnily enough, Kevin became HoH and did exactly opposite what he told Jeff he'd do. Even worse, after Michele won the Power of Veto competition to take herself off the Chopping Block, Kevin nominated Jeff's showmance partner, Jordan, as the week's replacement nominee.

That, my friends, may very well be the definition of a "slap in the face". Look it up in the dictionary and you'll see screen grabs from this week's episodes.

Anyway... when all was said and done, the most dangerous contestant left in the house, Jeff, was kicked out the door.

At least the live crowd gave the dude a standing ovation. For being the mastermind behind the evictions of Russell, Jessie and other power players, Jeff was in it to win it. Too bad he came up just a tad short.

Week 8 at a glance

Head of Household: Kevin
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (pre-veto): Jeff and Michele
Power of Veto winner: Michele
PoV used on: Michele
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (post-veto): Jeff and Jordan
HouseGuest evicted live on Thursday: Jeff
Who should have been evicted: Jordan
New HoH: Natalie
HouseGuests remaining: 4 (Jordan, Kevin, Michele, Natalie)

Hey! A game inside a game. What's the worst that could happen?

Since Kevin's a greedy little bitch (he said it!), he wasted no time opening Pandora's Box. Let me explain.

So one day this week Kevin walked into the HoH room to find an additional door with a huge question mark plastered on it. Sitting next to the door was a note, which told Kevin that by opening the door, he would unleash something good (or bad) on someone (or everyone) in the house.

Moments later, Kevin opened the door, revealing a television screen airing nothing in particular next to a huge box with a hole on top. All that was required of Kevin was to stick his arm in the hole, and WHAM!, Pandora would be unleashed.

He slowly dropped his arm in and let out a horror-film-worthy scream. He was stuck. Trapped. With money literally falling from the sky - all over the backyard. All Kevin could do was watch from inside the house, courtesy of that pesky television screen from before.

One by one, the HouseGuests walked into the backyard, without a clue as to what was going on. Knowing Big Brother, the money would come at a cost. Even so, the four HouseGuests NOT conveniently handcuffed to a box started picking up the dollar bills. (And those suckers added up, too. Jeff left with more than $3,000 in cold, hard cash).

The kicker to the whole ordeal was a thing Natalie felt she had to say as she stuffed money into her clothes. Stunned and euphoric and manic all at the same time, Natalie exclaimed: "This has never happened in my whole life!"

I'm just gonna let that one simmer.

Meanwhile, back at The Jury House...

Why CBS doesn't spin off The Jury House into its own program is anyone's guess. Instead, we're treated with a mere five minutes (at most) of recently evicted HouseGuest activity. All's I'm saying is it isn't enough.

This week, Lydia couldn't keep her hands off of Jessie. I feel like I've said that every week, but it was especially... pronounced this time around. She mentioned briefly later that her "little thing" for Jessie has developed into something more - which is total BS. She's wanted him, like, intensely, a whole lot longer than her few days in The Jury House.

After sucking down a few cocktails at the pool, Russell entered the house - to Jessie's utter amazement. He was expecting Jeff for sure.

So what does Jessie do to express his surprise? Why rip off his tight shirt - hulk style – of course. He's something else.

The big shocker Lydia and Jessie landed on Russell was the fact that Natalie is really 24, not 18. Russell reacted to the news in total shock, as if he just learned his father had been abducted by aliens. Is it really that big a deal? So she's six years older than you expected. So what?

But it went on. And on. Lydia pointed out that her friendship's "foundation" with Natalie is based on lies. Lies?! Really?

Final thoughts

With Jeff gone, what we're left with is a final four no one ever could have predicted about three or four weeks ago. The big guns – the Jessies, the Russells, the Chimas, even Ronnie, who was supposed to be some Big Brother genius – are gone. What we're left with are four people who are all guilty of coasting by week after week via the coattails of another player.

Save for Michele. Maybe. She's been a loner for pretty much the entire game.

At the close of Thursday's live episode, Natalie earned HoH power for the week. It's the first time, actually, that she's won anything in this game. As HoH, Natalie is guaranteed a spot in the final three, and on paper, has a 33% chance of winning Big Brother 11.

And since we're talking statistics, I may as well point out now that there's a 75% chance that a female HouseGuest wins the prize – the first time since Big Brother 6, which aired four summers ago.

If Natalie plays by the book, she'll keep an ally in Kevin and nominate Michele and Jordan for eviction. Michele and Jordan would certainly be down at that point, but not out. Having won more vetos (three) than any other HouseGuest this summer, Michele would be more likely than any other player to save herself from eviction.