Big Brother 10, Week 9
By Eric Hughes
September 15, 2008

Goldilocks and the old bear.

So what happened this week? Memphis backdoored a Hooters waitress. OK, that sentence may need a little clarification.

To no one's surprise, Memphis elected to use the Power of Veto on himself Tuesday, which took his body off the Chopping Block and forced Keesha, the lone HouseGuest elegible for eviction, on. What wasn't expected was Memphis' decision to then send the Hooters waitress out the door, instead of 75-year-old Jerry. (Thus in Big Brother terms, backdooring her).

Strategy-wise, the move made sense. Jerry's old and would be a weaker HouseGuest to compete against in comparison to 29-year-old Keesha. But on a friend level? The move was a bit shocking, especially since Memphis and Keesha have always been on good terms, even making a pact earlier in the game that they'd go to the final three together along with Dan.

Keesha: "I'm very hurt, because I feel like I've saved (Memphis) many times. I mean one time I completely turned votes around to keep him in the house. This is how he repays me."

Down to three, Big Brother switched gears by staging a three round contest for the next Head of Household, with the contest's winner evicting the season's final HouseGuest. The HoH and his chosen HouseGuest would then reunite with the rest of the cast on the live season finale, where Big Brother crowns a $500,000 champion.

Up against two much younger contestants, Jerry never stood a chance at winning that final HoH. Dan pulled out the win and sent the old man home, meaning he and best friend forever Memphis will vie for the season title this week.

For Dan, everything is basically going according to plan. So far.

Week 9 at a glance

Head of Household: Dan
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (pre-veto): Jerry and Memphis
Power of Veto winner: Memphis
PoV used on: Memphis
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (post-veto): Jerry and Keesha
HouseGuest evicted live on Tuesday: Keesha
Who should have been evicted: Jerry
New HoH: Dan
HouseGuests remaining: 3 (Dan, Jerry, Memphis)

Head of Household: Dan
HouseGuest evicted live on Thursday: Jerry
HouseGuests remaining: 2 (Dan, Memphis)

Dan: "Dude, we couldn't have written a better script."

It's true. They really couldn't have. Early in the game, Dan and Memphis formed a secret pact they dubbed the Renegades, vowing to knock out the rest of the house, one by one, and take each other to the game's final two.

Though the rest of the house knew the duo were good friends, Dan and Memphis tried hiding their alliance by nominating each other for eviction when either man had the HoH power to do so.

They never really were able to convince the house that they weren't working together as a team. But who cares? They actually made it to the final two together. And that is quite the feat.

Final thoughts

Like in previous seasons, the Jury of Seven (made up by the last seven HouseGuests to leave the house) is charged in deciding the winner of Big Brother 10. Here's the way I think they'll vote:

Week 5 evictee - Libra: I'm saving her for the end.

Week 6 evictee - April. Of course, she's going to vote the way her baby Ollie votes (which is for Memphis). They never contradict each other. Ever. (Dan 0 - Memphis 1)

Week 7 evictee - Michelle. Dan may have backdoored her, but Dan's decision to invite Michelle on the secret beach trip may have won her vote. While there, Michelle remembered how nice a guy Dan is, and admitted that he's a good player. Smart move, Dan. (Dan 1 - Memphis 1)

Week 7 evictee - Ollie. Dan screwed him over BIG TIME when they made that crazy deal with one another. Dan didn't follow through with the plan, and Ollie got himself evicted. For him to vote for Dan? Doesn't make a lick of sense. (Dan 1 - Memphis 2)

Week 8 evictee - Renny. Renny will vote the same way Keesha does. Additionally, she has never trusted Memphis, so why start now? (Dan 2 - Memphis 2)

Week 9 evictee - Keesha. The Hooters waitress lost all respect for Memphis when he booted her out of the door. Her sole method of redemption is to vote for her ally, Dan. (Dan 3 - Memphis 2)

Week 9 evictee - Jerry. If you recall, Jerry at one time referred to Dan as Judas (of the Biblical kind) for going against his word a few weeks back. Jerry doesn't have any real beef with Memphis, and probably still believes he would have taken him to the final two. (Dan 3 - Memphis 3)

Believe it or not, me thinks the deciding vote this season is good ol' Libra. I would have originally pegged her as voting for Memphis, but Michelle may be able to convince Libra that Dan is the better player. This one's a real tossup, but my gut tells me she's voting for Dan. (Dan 4 - Memphis 3)

Also on Tuesday, America will award $25,000 to one member of the Jury of Seven (a Big Brother first). I think Keesha's definitely got this one. She's spunky, she's cute, and America probably thinks she deserves a little money after Memphis stabbed her in the back.

In mere days, Big Brother crowns a winner. Check back here midweek for the season's final recap.

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