Big Brother Recap
By Eric Hughes
August 1, 2008

Even the participants in Big Brother appear bored by it.

Big Brother 10: Week 3

Once again it's Hooters waitress, Keesha, who opens my weekly analysis of Big Brother (and no, this has nothing to due with the fact that she works at Hooters. I merely found her words to be rather prophetic). On Sunday, with Head of Household under her belt, the 30-year-old from Burbank knew the nominations for eviction she was about to make were going to send the Big Brother house into a tizzy: "I'm going to turn this house upside down. I can promise you that much."

Boy, was she right. With power in tow, Keesha, along with her loose faction made up by April, Libra and Ollie, claimed first blood against Angie, Jessie, Michelle and Memphis when Keesha nominated Angie and Jessie for eviction.

"My gut is telling me that I have to put these two people up," Keesha said. "They aren't even going to see this coming."

No, they certainly didn't.

And by earning a win at the Power of Veto competition on Tuesday, Keesha sealed their fates by deciding not to use it on Angie or Jessie, thus ensuring that a member of the house's strongest alliance be sent out the door. The live episode followed two days later, and Angie was unanimously booted off the show.

So Keesha and company are sittin' rather pretty right now, eh? Well, not quite. The house was certainly turned upside down, but its consequences are far from being fully atoned.

Week 3 at a glance

Head of Household: Keesha
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (pre-veto): Angie and Jessie
Power of Veto winner: Keesha
PoV used on: No one
HouseGuests nominated for eviction (post-veto): Angie and Jessie
HouseGuest evicted live on Wednesday: Angie
Who should have been evicted: Angie
New HoH: ?
HouseGuests remaining: 10 (April, Dan, Jerry, Jessie, Keesha, Libra, Memphis, Michelle, Ollie, Renny)

Nice to meet you, Miss I've-Underestimated-You-From-The-Beginning

After quietly going about her business during the first few weeks of play, Keesha unleashed a hell storm by putting up 50% of Jessie's side for eviction this week. Better yet, she proved she stands by her word no matter what (much like fellow HouseGuest, Dan) when Keesha stuck to her guns and kept her nominations the same after earning the opportunity to change them by winning the PoV.
HouseGuests relentlessly pressured Keesha to replace Angie or Jessie with hot-mouthed Libra, but Keesha, who gave Libra her word early on in the game that she would never nominate the girl for eviction, held firm, resorting to consult every HouseGuest one by one that she would not even consider changing her nominations under any circumstances (the first time I've ever seen this by the way).

Was this a good move on Keesha's part? Yes and no. Yes in that it proves her word is about as solid as they come. But what must be considered is that her word is with Libra. On this one, I'm with Jessie, who days earlier confronted Keesha and questioned what that word actually proves to the rest of the house, especially when it's with someone (Libra) who's liable to backstab. And since Libra became this loud-mouthed behemoth that the majority of the house wants to see go (for now, at least), Keesha has likely drawn a big ol' target on her back for saving Libra's ass.

Exposing your inner crotchety-ness

What happened, old man Jerry? In a week, you've turned yourself into my least favorite HouseGuest (before I had you somewhere near the top) by engaging in petty fights with others much younger than you. First Memphis nearly ripped your head off for calling him a womanizer (once behind his back, and then again to his face) and then Michelle decidedly went berserk on you after she found out you thought she was getting a little too cocky alongside Jessie and Memphis.

Both of these assertions, in my opinion, were utterly untrue and did nothing but severely weaken your character and the perception people hold of you within the house. So why even do it? You've admitted to watching every season of Big Brother since its inception (including the live, 24-hour Internet feed), so you should be well aware that HouseGuests in power will use just about anything to get another HouseGuest nominated for eviction.

Since Michelle is working with Memphis and Jessie, any of those three are going to put you up for eviction if they so happen to win HoH. And if they still hold their grudges from a few weeks ago, Libra and Renny will nominate you, too. Come to think of it, do you actually have any friends left in the Big Brother house?

So from here on out, stick to fighting with people your own age, Jerry. Oh wait, you can't. You're 75!

America's Player revival

So Big Brother brought back a surprise feature to the game when it was revealed that cute-as-a-button Dan would play the game as America's Player during week four of the contest, should he choose to accept the assignment (which he did on Thursday). Unlike last summer's Big Brother season, which featured one HouseGuest playing as America's Player for the duration of the game, Big Brother 10 has brought back the secret for one week only.

As America's Player, Dan's game play is now in the hands of Big Brother viewers, who will decide who he should try to get nominated and who he should ultimately vote for at the end of the week. If the majority of America is with me, they would vote for Dan to do his best in ensuring that crotchety Jerry is packing his bags.

What's most interesting about this whole situation is that Dan, up to this point, has kept his neck out of the big happenings within the house, sticking to his "lay low" mentality to get him through the game. As America's Player, Dan will have to put up a gossipy front, consequently chipping away at the quiet facade he has built for himself since entering the house with the rest of the players.

Final thoughts

As you may have noticed, a new HoH has yet to be decided, so making any predictions for next week is (a bit) useless. For the first time this season, the HoH competition was not a simple round of questions (which quickly resolves the matter), but rather an endurance challenge.

As I'm typing this, all nine HouseGuests in contention for HoH are hanging onto a railing, with their feet firmly planted on a platform while overlooking a padded landing beneath them. The HouseGuest to hang on the longest without falling off (or simply leaping) becomes the most powerful person in the house. By the time you read this, a new HoH will presumably be crowned, but the winner (and their nominations for eviction) won't be revealed until Sunday's episode.

I'd really like to see someone from Jessie's side (himself, Memphis or Michelle) walk away with the HoH. Someone like Michelle could really do some damage to Keesha's side (herself, April, Libra and Ollie) in retaliation for sending Angie out the door - a HouseGuest who, in my opinion, should never have even been nominated. Should someone like Libra or April win HoH, consider someone on Jessie's team gone.

BOP is doing a link exchange with our good friends at Buddy TV this season. For more Big Brother info, visit their site.